ENR 1.2  Visual flight rules

1.   VMC visibility and distance from cloud minima (SERA.5001)

1.1  VMC visibility and distance from cloud minima are contained in Table 1.2-1.
Table 1.2-1
Altitude bandAirspace
Distance from cloud
At and above 3050 m (10 000 ft) AMSLC D G8 km1500 m horizontally
300 m (1000 ft) vertically
Below 3050 m (10 000 ft) AMSL and above 900 m
(3000 ft) AMSL, or above 300 m (1000 ft) above
terrain, whichever is the higher
C D G5 km1500 m horizontally
300 m (1000 ft) vertically
At or below 900 m (3000 ft) AMSL, or 300 m
(1000 ft) above terrain, whichever is the higher
C D5 km1500 m horizontally
300 m (1000 ft) vertically
G5 km(*)Clear of cloud and with the
surface in sight


  1. Flight visibilities reduced to not less than 1 500 m are permitted for flights operating at speeds of 140 kts IAS or less to give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstacles in time to avoid collision; or in circumstances in which the probability of encounters with other traffic would normally be low, e.g. in areas of low volume traffic and for aerial work at low levels.
  2. Helicopters are permitted to operate in less than 1 500 m but not less than 800 m flight visibility, if manoeuvred at a speed that will give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstacles in time to avoid collision.

2.   Visual flight rules (SERA.5005)

2.1  Except when operating as a special VFR flight, VFR flights shall be conducted so that the aircraft is flown in conditions of visibility and distance from clouds equal to or greater than those specified in Table 1.2-1.
2.2  Except when a special VFR clearance is obtained from an air traffic control unit, VFR flights shall not take-off or land at an aerodrome within a control zone, or enter the aerodrome traffic zone or aerodrome traffic circuit when the reported meteorological conditions at the aerodrome are below the following minima:
  1. the ceiling is less than 450 m (1 500 ft); or
  2. the ground visibility is less than 5 km.
2.3   VFR flights at night are permitted under the following conditions:
  1. if leaving the vicinity of an aerodrome, a flight plan shall be submitted in accordance with SERA.4001(b)(6);
  2. flights shall establish and maintain two-way radio communication on the appropriate ATS communication channel, when available;
  3. the VMC visibility and distance from cloud minima equal to or greater than those specified in the Table 1.2-1 except that:
    1. the ceiling shall not be less than 450 m (1500 ft);
    2. the reduced flight visibility provisions specified in the Table 1.2-1 a) and b) shall not apply;
    3. in airspace classes C, D and G, at and below 900 m (3000 ft) AMSL or 300 m (1000 ft) above terrain, whichever is the higher, the pilot shall maintain continuous sight of the surface;
  4. except when necessary for take-off or landing, or except when specifically authorized by the competent authority, a VFR flight at night shall be flown at a level which is not below the minimum flight altitude established by the State whose territory is overflown, or, where no such minimum flight altitude has been established:
    1. over high terrain or in mountainous areas, at a level which is at least 600 m (2000 ft) above the highest obstacle located within 8 km of the estimated position of the aircraft;
    2. elsewhere than as specified in i), at a level which is at least 300 m (1000 ft) above the highest obstacle located within 8 km of the estimated position of the aircraft.
2.4  VFR flights shall not be operated:
  1. at transonic and supersonic speeds.
  2. above FL 195. Exceptions to this requirement are the following:
    1. an airspace reservation has been established, where practical, by the competent authority, in which VFR flights may be allowed after prior permission; or
    2. airspace up to and including FL 285, when VFR traffic in that airspace has been authorized by the responsible ATS unit in accordance with the authorization procedures established by the competent authority and published in the relevant aeronautical information publication.
2.5  Authorization for VFR flight to operate above FL 285 shall not be granted in areas within the Tirana FIR where a vertical separation minimum of 300 m (1000 ft) is applied above FL 290, as described in ENR 2.1.
2.6  Except when necessary for take-off or landing, or except by permission from the competent authority, a VFR flight shall not be flown:
  1. over the congested areas of cities, towns or settlements or over an open-air assembly of persons at a height less than 300 m (1 000 ft) above the highest obstacle within a radius of 600 m from the aircraft;
  2. elsewhere than as specified in 2.6 a), at a height less than 150 m (500 ft) above the ground or water, or 150 m (500 ft) above the highest obstacle within a radius of 150 m (500 ft) from the aircraft.
2.7  Except where otherwise indicated in air traffic control clearances, VFR flights in level cruising flight when operated above 900 m (3000 ft) from the ground or water shall be conducted at a cruising level appropriate to the track as specified in the table of cruising levels in ENR 1.7.5.
2.8  VFR flights shall comply with the provisions of SERA Section 8:
  1. when operated within Classes C and D airspace; or
  2. when forming part of aerodrome traffic at controlled aerodromes; or
  3. when operated as special VFR flights.
2.9  A VFR flight operating within or into areas, or along routes, designated by the competent authority in accordance with SERA.4001(b)(3) or (4) shall maintain continuous air-ground voice communication watch on the appropriate communication channel of, and report its position as necessary to, the air traffic services unit providing flight information service.
2.10  An aircraft operated in accordance with the visual flight rules which wishes to change to compliance with the instrument flight rules shall:
  1. if a flight plan was submitted, communicate the necessary changes to be effected to its current flight plan, or
  2. submit a flight plan to the appropriate air traffic services unit and obtain a clearance prior to proceeding IFR when in controlled airspace.

3.   Special VFR in control zones (SERA.5010)

3.1   Authorization of special VFR flights
3.1.1  Special VFR flights may be authorized to operate within a control zone, subject to an ATC clearance. Except for helicopters in special cases such as, but not limited to, police, medical, search and rescue operations and fire-fighting flights, the following additional conditions shall be applied:
  1. such special VFR flights may be conducted during day only;
  2. by the pilot:
    1. clear of cloud and with the surface in sight;
    2. the flight visibility is not less than 1 500 m or, for helicopters, not less than 800 m;
    3. fly at a speed of 140 kts IAS or less to give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic and any obstacles in time to avoid a collision; and
  3. an air traffic control unit shall not issue a special VFR clearance to aircraft to take off or land at an aerodrome within a control zone, or enter the aerodrome traffic zone or aerodrome traffic circuit when the reported meteorological conditions at that aerodrome are below the following minima:
    1. the ground visibility is less than 1 500 m or, for helicopters, less than 800 m;
    2. the ceiling is less than 180 m (600 ft).
3.1.2  Requests for such authorization shall be handled individually.
3.1.3  Aerodrome control towers shall obtain approval from the unit providing approach control service prior to authorizing operation of special VFR flights.