ENR 1.4  ATS airspace classification and description

1.   ATS airspace classification

1.1   ATS airspace classes
1.1.1   Airspace in the Tirana FIR is designated in accordance with the following airspace classification:

Class C: IFR and VFR flights are permitted. All flights are provided with air traffic control service and IFR flights are separated from other IFR flights and from VFR flights. VFR flights are separated from IFR flights and receive traffic information in respect of other VFR flights and traffic avoidance advice on request. Continuous air-ground voice communications are required for all flights. For VFR flights a speed limitation of 250 kts indicated airspeed (IAS) applies below 3 050 m (10 000 ft) AMSL, except where approved by the competent authority for aircraft types, which for technical or safety reasons, cannot maintain this speed. All flights shall be subject to ATC clearance.

Class D: IFR and VFR flights are permitted and all flights are provided with air traffic control service. IFR flights are separated from other IFR flights, receive traffic information in respect of VFR flights and traffic avoidance advice on request. VFR flights receive traffic information in respect of all other flights and traffic avoidance advice on request. Continuous air-ground voice communications are required for all flights and a speed limitation of 250 kts IAS applies to all flights below 3 050 m (10 000 ft) AMSL, except where approved by the competent authority for aircraft types, which for technical or safety reasons, cannot maintain this speed. All flights shall be subject to ATC clearance.

Class G: IFR and VFR flights are permitted and receive flight information service if requested. All IFR flights shall be capable of establishing air- ground voice communications. A speed limitation of 250 kts IAS applies to all flights below 3 050 m (10 000 ft) AMSL, except where approved by the competent authority for aircraft types, which for technical or safety reasons cannot maintain this speed. ATC clearance is not required.

1.1.2   All airspace above FL 195 is classified as Class C airspace.
1.2   Requirements
1.2.1  The requirements for the flights within each class of airspace are shown in the following table:

ATS airspace classes - Service provided and flight requirements

Service providedSpeed
communication capability
Continuous two-way air-ground communication requiredSubject to
an ATC
IFR from VFR
Air traffic control serviceNot applicableYesYesYes
VFRVFR from IFR1) Air traffic control service for separation from IFR;
2) VFR/VFR: Traffic information (and traffic avoidance advice on request)
250 kts IAS below
3050 m (10 000 ft) AMSL
DIFRIFR from IFRAir traffic control service, traffic information about VFR flights, (and traffic avoidance advice on request)250 kts IAS below
3050 m (10 000 ft) AMSL
VFRNilAir traffic control service,IFR/VFR and VFR/VFR traffic information (and traffic avoidance advice on request)250 kts IAS below
3050 m (10 000 ft) AMSL
GIFRNilFlight information service if requested250 kts IAS below
3050 m (10 000 ft) AMSL
VFRNilFlight information service if requested250 kts IAS below
3050 m (10 000 ft) AMSL
* Competent authority may also exempt aircraft types, which for technical or safety reasons, cannot maintain this speed.
** Pilots shall maintain continuous air-ground voice communication watch and establish two-way communication, as necessary, on the appropriate communication channel in RMZ.

2.   ATS airspace description

2.1   Radio mandatory zone (RMZ)
VFR flights operating in parts of Class G airspace and IFR flights operating in parts of Class G airspace designated as a radio mandatory zone (RMZ) by the competent authority shall maintain continuous air-ground voice communication watch and establish two-way communication, as necessary, on the appropriate communication channel, unless in compliance with alternative provisions prescribed for that particular airspace by the ANSP.
Before entering a radio mandatory zone, an initial call containing the designation of the station being called, call sign, type of aircraft, position, level, the intentions of the flight and other information as prescribed by the competent authority, shall be made by pilots on the appropriate communication channel.
2.2   Transponder mandatory zone (TMZ)
All flights operating in airspace designated by the competent authority as a transponder mandatory zone (TMZ) shall carry and operate SSR transponders capable of operating on Modes A and C or on Mode S, unless in compliance with alternative provisions prescribed for that particular airspace by the ANSP.