ENR 5   Navigation warnings

ENR 5.1  Prohibited, restricted and danger areas

1.   Prohibited areas


2.   Restricted areas

Identification and name
Lateral limits
Upper and Lower limitsRemarks


A circle, radius 3 NM centered at 404619N 0195407E

Upper limits: 2500 FT AMSL

Lower limits: GND

1. Permanently active military area.

2. Entry or transit of GAT flights is prohibited, except aircraft in emergency, unless flying in accordance with a Prior Permission given by the Rinas Military Control Centre and Tirana ACC at least 24 hours in advance of operation.


A circle, radius 3 NM centered at 415337N 0193558E

Upper limits: 2500 FT AMSL

Lower limits: GND

1. Permanently active military area.

2. Entry or transit of GAT flights is prohibited, except aircraft in emergency, unless flying in accordance with a Prior Permission given by the Rinas Military Control Centre and Tirana ACC at least 24 hours in advance of operation.


411851N 0195121E - 412200N 0195300E - 412200N 0200000E - 411200N 0200000E - 411200N 0195651E - 411401N 0195530E - 411734N 0195119E - 411851N 0195121E

Upper limits: 5500 FT AMSL

Lower limits: GND

1. Permanently active military area

2. Entry or transit of GAT flights is prohibited, except aircraft in emergency, unless flying in accordance with a Prior Permission given by the Rinas Military Control Centre and Tirana ACC at least 24 hours in advance of operation.
Tel/Fax: +355 44504700 (Civil) Tel/Fax: +5131045/1078 (Mil) Email: qkrfaj@aaf.mil.al
3. Any flight shall establish prior communication with Farka Tower on frequency 128.000 MHZ before entering or transiting the military area.


421116N 0191726E - 421425N 0192100E - 421438N 0192108E - 421228N 0192236E - 421154N 0192053E - 421129N 0191858E - 421116N 0191726E

Upper limits: 3500 FT AMSL

Lower limits: GND

1. Protection area of initial approach procedures for runway 36 at Podgorica airport. 2. Entry or transit of this area is subject to prior coordination with Tirana APP.

3.   Danger areas

Identification and name
Lateral limits
Vertical limitsRemarks


410937N 0192032E - 410656N 0192737E - 410517N 0193000E - 405800N 0193000E - 405700N 0190600E - 410900N 0190600E - 410937N 0192032E

Upper limits: FL 285*

Lower limits: GND

1. AMC Manageable Area.

2. Live Fire Exercise/ Mil Exercise.

3. Activation shall be notified through AUP/UUP and promulgated by NOTAM at least 24 hours in advance.

*Vertical limits for military exercise 5500 FT AMSL/GND


412324N 0201048E - 412100N 0201424E - 411824N 0201048E - 412100N 0200824E - 412324N 0201048E

Upper limits: FL 150

Lower limits: GND

1. AMC Manageable Area.

2. Demolition/ Mil Exercise.

3. Activation shall be notified through AUP/UUP and promulgated by NOTAM at least 24 hours in advance.