GEN 1.2  Entry, transit and departure of aircraft

1.   General

1.1   Reference documents
1.1.1  All flights into, from or over the territory of the Republic of Albania shall be carried out in accordance with Albanian Air Code and regulations in force relating to civil aviation. These regulations correspond in all essentials to the Standards and Recommended Practices contained in Annex 9 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
1.2   Designated airport
1.2.1  Aircraft flying into or departing from the territory of the Republic of Albania shall make their first landing at, or final departure from, an international airport (see AIP Albania, AD 1.3).
1.2.2  Civil aircraft are not permitted to land at any place other than one of registered airports, except in cases of emergency in flight or prior arrangements with the landowner and local government authority where the landing area is located.

2.   Scheduled flights

2.1   Scheduled flights to and from Albania
2.1.1   Procedures  International scheduled flights to/from Albania shall be carried out in accordance with the Air Transport Agreement concluded between the Republic of Albania and the State of origin of airline concerned.  The authorization for the approval of scheduled service to/from Albania rests with Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of Albania.  ECAA air carriers shall be permitted to exercise unlimited traffic rights on routes within the European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) and Contracting States, non-EU Members, in accordance with the provisions set out in the Article 3/1 i), Appendix 5 of the Multilateral Agreement.  Other foreign air carriers shall hold a permission to exercise traffic rights on routes within the Republic of Albania. The permission shall take into consideration the conditions laid down in the bilateral agreement between the Republic of Albania and the said State.  If not otherwise specified in the Air Transport Agreement, the time tables shall be submitted for approval to the CAA at least 30 days before the beginning of each IATA time table season. Any later modification shall be notified at least 3 working days prior to its introduction - unless a negative reply is received 24 hours prior to the flight, permission is deemed to be granted.  Operators of aircraft wishing to apply for the permission to operate scheduled service to/from Albania must provide the following information to CAA:
  1. Schedule, including start date, of the proposed service;
  2. Type(s) of aircraft to be used.
2.1.2   Documentary requirements  In addition to operational requirements as set out in other parts of AIP Albania, operators are required to provide copies of the following:
  1. Operating License, pursuant to Chapter 2 of the (EC) Regulation No 1008/2008, issued by the aeronautical authority of the airline’s country of registration;
  2. Air Operator’s Certificate;
  3. Certificate of Airworthiness and Certificate of Registration issued by the aeronautical authority of the country of registration for all aircraft to be used on services to Albania;
  4. Certificate of liability insurance for damage that may arise out of its transport operations, including:
    • Aircraft third party liability; and
    • Passengers, baggage, cargo, mail and airliner general liability insurance;
  5. Certificate of approval of aircraft radio installation;
  6. Statements about Aerodrome Operating Minima;
  7. Noise Certificate of aircraft to be used.  Two copies of cargo manifest are required upon landing at airports in Albania. General declaration and passenger manifest are not required.  The CAA of Albania reserves the right to demand additional documentation.  Documents mentioned above must follow the ICAO standard format and are acceptable when furnished in English and completed in legible handwriting.
2.1.3   Leased Aircraft  CAA will also require the above documents in regard to any foreign registered aircraft leased from another carrier which the applicant carrier proposes to use to Albania and additionally the following information:
  1. Confirmation that the lease has been approved by the lessee’s aeronautical authorities;
  2. Confirmation of which airline’s operations and flight manuals will be used;
  3. Contact details of the lessor airline (name, address, telephone, fax, e-mail);
  4. Copy of the lease agreement.
2.1.4   Applications  Requests for permission shall be made on the application form available at:  Slot applications shall be submitted to:

Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy
Directorate of Transport Policies
Air Transport Policies Sector
Tirana, Albania

Tel:+355 4 2380753

Fax:+355 4 2258323

2.2   Overflights and non-traffic stops
2.2.1   Procedures  Prior permission is not required for scheduled flights by aircraft registered in countries that are parties to the International Air Services Transit Agreement (IASTA) or where the relevant bilateral Air Services Agreement allows overflying Albania or making stops for non-traffic purposes. Prior permission is, however, required for such flights by aircraft registered in countries that are not party to IASTA or where the relevant bilateral Air Services Agreement does not provide for either first or second freedom rights and should be sought in accordance with the procedure set out in GEN 1.2.2 as appropriate.  The CAA of Albania is the approving authority for civilian scheduled flights overflying Albanian airspace.
2.2.2   Applications  Requests for permission shall be made at least 30 days prior the start of the season in question, or proposed start date of new services, on the application form available at:

Note: Operating permits will be refused to any airlines, type or specific aircraft or aircraft registered in States where evidence suggests do not comply with international safety standards, including those banned within the European Union. The list of which can be found at:

3.   Non-scheduled commercial flights

3.1   Overflights
3.1.1   Procedures  Prior permission is not required for non-scheduled flights by aircraft registered in countries which are parties to the Chicago Convention (Contracting States) overflying Albania or making stops for non-traffic purposes. Prior permission is, however, required for such flights by aircraft registered in countries which are not parties to the Chicago Convention.  Applications should include the following information:
  1. Name and address of operator;
  2. Type and call sign of aircraft, nationality and registration marks;
  3. Route of flight;
  4. Aerodrome of departure and arrival, estimated time of departure and arrival;
  5. Date of flight and estimated time over entry/exit points of Tirana FIR.
3.1.2   Applications  Requests for permission shall be submitted at least 3 working days before such a flight is operated on the application form available at:
3.2   Charter flights
3.2.1   Procedures  Prior permission is required for all types of flights wishing to operate charter flights to/from Albania. Operators should make applications for permits to the CAA of Albania. Operators should give as much notice of the proposed flights as possible and, except in cases of genuine urgency, at least two full working days before the arrival in, or departure from, Albania. Requests for permission shall be made on the application form available at:  All applications for permission must include the following details:
  1. Name and address of operator including number of AOC;
  2. Type and call sign of aircraft, nationality and registration marks;
  3. Date of arrival at, and departure from Albania;
  4. Aerodrome of departure and estimated time of departure;
  5. Aerodrome of arrival and estimated time of arrival;
  6. Route of flight, estimated time over entry/exit points of Tirana FIR;
  7. Purpose of flight;
  8. Type of flight and number of crew and passengers and/or nature and amount of cargo to be taken on or put down; and
  9. Name, address and business of charterer, if any.

Note: The reason for the urgency must be stated in any application submitted at less than the specified period of notice.

3.2.2   Charter services operated in place of a scheduled service  A charter flight operated in place of a scheduled service and which does not comply with the terms of the operating permit originally issued becomes a non-scheduled flight. Prior permission from the CAA must be obtained in accordance with the procedures set out in the following paragraphs as appropriate, before such a flight is operated.
3.2.3   Cargo charters  Applications for permission to operate cargo charter flights should be made to the CAA, by country of registration of the aircraft involved.  Applications must contain confirmation whether dangerous goods, weapons or munitions of war are to be carried, if it is proposed to carry forbidden goods, as defined in ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc 9284-AN/905), confirmation should be provided by the airline that an exemption has been issued by the CAA of Albania.
3.2.4   Inclusive tour charters  Operators of aircraft registered in a Chicago Convention Contracting State, wishing to apply to the CAA for the permission to operate inclusive tour charter services to/from Albania, are reminded that their applications must give the following information for each series of flights:
  1. Name and address of operator;
  2. Type and call sign of aircraft, nationality and registration marks of aircraft, and capacity to be provided during the whole period (on round trip basis) and showing, where there is more than one tour organiser, the number of seats allocated to each organiser;
  3. Programme of operations, including the itinerary of the aircraft;
  4. Name(s) and address(es) of the travel agency(ies) or tour organiser(s);
  5. A certified/notarized copy of the contract(s) with tour operator(s) for intended flights to Albania;
  6. A certificate of the tour operator’s business registration or of its branch in Albania;
  7. Details of the conditions under which the inclusive tour is organised:
    1. minimum price payable by a passenger for the inclusive tour;
    2. complete routeing of the inclusive tour;
    3. duration of inclusive tour (including stay at hotel).  In accordance with the recommendations of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), CAA requires application for seasonal inclusive tour charter flights to be made by the following dates:
  1. For flights between 1 April and 31 October, by 15 January;
  2. For flights between 1 November and 31 March, by 1 September.  These time limits shall not, however, apply to single flights or series of flights for which information is not available by the dates specified. In these cases CAA will require a notice at least three full working days in advance for single flights and twenty full working days in advance for series of flights. Any alterations in the condition of operational programmes already approved must be submitted for approval at the earliest possible date.

Note: Permits will only authorize the carriage of passengers paying an inclusive charge for air transport, surface transport, hotel accommodation and/or facilities in connection with a special event, booked by the tour organizers named in the application for it. It is therefore important that any travel agent(s) associated with the charterer of the aircraft should be named in the application.

3.2.5   Aerial photography, aerial survey and any form of aerial work  Operators of aircraft registered in any foreign country wishing to engage in aerial photography or aerial survey flights in Albania, whether or not hire or reward is given or for the purpose of any other form of aerial work for hire or reward, are required to obtain an authorization from CAA. Permission for aerial work in Albania will be issued by the CAA after coordination with the Ministry of Defense. For this purpose operators of aircraft must submit their application to CAA at least 20 full working days in advance of the proposed operation giving the following information:
  1. Name and address of operator;
  2. Type, nationality and registration mark(s) of aircraft to be used;
  3. Details of the employer of the crew and photographer (for aerial survey and photography);
  4. Complete details of proposed operations, including dates, location, height to be flown, etc.;
  5. Graphic presentation of the flying area concerned.

Note: If the aircraft has been modified for the type of aerial work to be carried out, details of the modifications together with a copy of the approval of the modifications from the aeronautical authority of the state of registry will be required.  Additionally, operators wishing to engage in low flying (whether for agricultural, horticultural or forestry purposes) in Albania are required to obtain an exemption from the CAA. For this purpose they must submit their application with details (a) to (e) above, through the CAA, at least 20 full working days in advance.
3.2.6   Documentary Requirements  In addition to operational requirements as set out in other parts of AIP Albania, operators are required to provide copies of the following:
  1. Operating License, pursuant to Chapter 2 of (EC) Regulation No 1008/2008, issued by the aeronautical authority of the country of registration;
  2. Air Operator’s Certificate;
  3. Certificate of Airworthiness and Certificate of Registration issued by the aeronautical authority of the country of origin for each aircraft to be used on services to Albania;
  4. Certificate of liability insurance for passengers and third party risks in respect of each aircraft to be used on services to Albania. For cargo flights, certificate of third party liability. The level of insurance must meet the minimum requirements of insurance for passengers and third party liability set out in Articles 6 and 7 of EC Regulation No 785/2004;
  5. Certificate of approval of aircraft radio installation;
  6. Statements about Aerodrome Operating Minima;
  7. Noise certificate for each aircraft to be used.  Two copies of cargo manifest are required upon landing at Albanian airports. General declaration and passenger manifest are not required. A copy of AWB and Letter from Consignee is required for cargo flights.  The CAA of Albania reserves the right to demand additional documentation.  Documents mentioned above must follow the ICAO standard format and are acceptable when furnished in English and completed in legible handwriting.
3.2.7   Leased aircraft  The CAA will also require the above documents in regard to any foreign registered aircraft leased from another carrier which the applicant carrier proposes to use to Albania together with the following information:
  1. Confirmation that the lease has been approved by the lessee’s aeronautical authorities;
  2. Confirmation of which airline’s operations and flight manuals will be used;
  3. Contact details of the lessor airline (name, address, telephone, fax, e-mail).

Note 1: Where possible, documents should be provided in the English language.

Note 2: CAA may request a copy of the lease agreement (confidentiality will be maintained).

3.2.8   Applications  Requests for permission for any type of charter should be made on the application form available at:

Note: Operating permits will be refused to any airline, type of or specific aircraft or aircraft registered in States with evidence suggests do not comply with international safety standards.  Application for a slot shall be made not less than 24 hours before the proposed flight to:

Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy
Directorate of Transport Policies
Air Transport Policies Sector
Tirana, Albania

Tel:+355 4 2380753

Fax:+355 4 2258323

4.   Private flights

4.1   Overflights
4.1.1   Procedures  Prior permission is not required for private flights of foreign civil aircraft registered in States which are parties to the Chicago Convention for overflying Albania or for making non-traffic stops in Albanian territory. However, the flight plan for such a flight shall be submitted to the ATS Authority of Albania at least one hour prior to the flight or at least two hours prior to entering Albanian airspace.  Prior permission is required for such private flights intending to fly along the country for sightseeing purposes. The significant entry/exit and intermediate points or graphic presentation of the flying area shall be detailed in the flight plan.  Permissions for suchprivate flights by aircraft registered in States not parties to the Chicago Convention should be sought in accordance with the procedure as set out in GEN 1.2.3 for commercial flights.
4.2   Flights to and from Albania
4.2.1   Procedures  Prior permission is required for private flights of foreign civil aircraft to operate into or from Albanian territory.  Permissions for such flights should be sought in accordance with the procedure as set out in GEN 1.2.3 for charter flights.  Pilots of private flights have the obligation in respect of passport-control requirements and are to present their passengers on arrival and departure to the Immigration Officer or to the Customs Office.  Sports and tourist aircraft may fly along routes and use airports which are not authorised for international use, on condition that the first landing and last take-off before leaving Albanian territory is carried out from an international airport. The list of persons on board shall be attached to the flight plan.
4.2.2   Documentary requirements  In addition to the documents mentioned under GEN 1.2.3 above, a copy of certificate of ownership is required in the case of an aircraft remaining within Albania for less than 2 days. For a stay beyond 2 days after the date of arrival, a “carnet de passages en douane” will be accepted in lieu of a bond or of any other financial guarantee.

5.   Public health measures applied to aircraft

5.1   Requirements
5.1.1  No public health measures are required to be carried out in respect of aircraft entering Albania.
5.1.2  Aircraft arriving from the region of yellow fever, plague, dengue, malaria may land at any international aerodrome in Albania provided that the aircraft has been disinfected approximately thirty minutes before arrival at the aerodrome. This action must be properly recorded in the Health Section of the General Declaration.
5.1.3  The insecticide to be used has to correspond to the WHO assessment criteria. If, in special circumstances, a second spraying of the aircraft to be carried out on the ground is deemed necessary by the public health authorities, passengers and crew are permitted to disembark beforehand.

6.   Foreign state owned aircraft

6.1   General procedures
6.1.1  Prior permission is required for foreign state owned aircraft to operate into, from or over the territory of the Republic of Albania.
6.2   Military flights
6.2.1  Permission for foreign military flights to operate into, from or over the territory of Albania shall be approved by the Ministry of Defense after coordination with the CAA of Albania.
6.2.2  Permission for Operational Air Traffic (OAT) military flights to operate into, from or over the territory of Albania shall be approved by the Ministry of Defense.
6.2.3  Applications for permission shall be submitted at least 3 working days in advance of the proposed flight to:

Ministry of Defense
Protocol Office
Dëshmorët e Kombit Avenue
Tirana, Albania

Tel:+355 4 22 24 974

Fax:+355 4 2228325/2225227

6.3   Civil governmental charter flights
6.3.1  Permission for foreign civil governmental charter flights to operate into, from or over the territory of Albania shall be approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after coordination with the CAA of Albania.
6.3.2  Applications for permission shall be submitted at least 3 working days in advance of the proposed flight to:

Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
Directorate of State Protocol
Marsel Kashen Avenue
Tirana, Albania

Tel:+355 4 2364404

Fax:+355 4 2364600

7.   Exceptions

7.1   Emergency procedures
7.1.1  Nothing in the above mentioned procedures will be applied to flights due to safety reasons in case of emergency and/or distress.
7.1.2  In cases of emergency in flight, adverse weather, operations of humanitarian relief missions, firefighting flights or acts of unlawful interference, Air Traffic Control may issue a special permission for entry and operating of aircraft in the Albanian airspace and accept the inadvertent changes to the flight plan.
7.2   Forced landings
7.2.1  If an aircraft while on a flight is compelled by accident, adverse weather or other unavoidable cause, to land at a place other than a designated airport, the commander of that aircraft must notify immediately the Air Traffic Control and, as soon as possible, report the landing to the Police, Customs Authorities and the National Civil Emergency Operations Center. The commander must comply with any directions given by an Immigration Officer with respect to any passengers, crew or goods on board the aircraft.
7.2.2  In all forced landing situations, any action taken by officers of the Immigration Office will take full account of the health and safety needs of passengers and crew.
7.2.3  A take-off after a forced landing at a designated airport or at a place other than a designated airport shall only be permitted upon authorization of the CAA of Albania.

8.   Permission and validity of issued permission

8.1   Permission
8.1.1  When a flight has been approved as required by the CAA, a written permission will be granted to the operator of the aircraft.
8.1.2  The airport concerned will be notified by the CAA when permission has been granted. For passenger flights, Customs and Excise will be notified for the purpose of Passenger Duty. Operators are responsible for making their own arrangements with the airport concerned for the reception and handling and should quote the CAA permission number when making these arrangements. Any changes in:
  1. The date of operation of the flight into or from Albania;
  2. The nationality or type of the aircraft to be used;
  3. The route of flight; or
  4. The charterer or the nature and weight of goods to be taken on board or discharged from the aircraft in Albania,

must be notified by the operator to the CAA and a variation of permission obtained before the flight may be operated into or from Albania. Failure to so notify the CAA may result in the permit for the flight to be invalid.

8.1.3  Any changes to the times of arrival at or departure from Albania must be notified to the CAA and may require a new application to be made.
8.2   Validity of issued permission
8.2.1  Issued permission is valid for 24 hours, starting from the estimated time of entry into Albanian airspace or from estimated time of departure.