AD 1   Aerodromes/heliports - introduction

AD 1.1  Aerodrome/heliport availability and conditions of use

1.   General conditions

1.1   General conditions under which aerodromes/heliports and associated facilities are available for use
1.1.1  The responsible authority for the approval of aerodromes available for civil use is the Civil Aviation Authority of Albania.
1.1.2  The operator of the aerodrome concerned is responsible for the administration of the aerodrome and provision of the associated facilities and services.
1.1.3  Civil aircraft are not permitted to take-off from or land at any aerodrome/heliport not listed in this AIP, except in cases of real emergency in flight or where special permission has been obtained from the Civil Aviation Authority of Albania.
1.1.4  If a landing is made other than at an international aerodrome/heliport or a designated alternate aerodrome/heliport, the pilot-in-command shall report the landing as soon as practicable to the health, customs and immigration authorities at the international aerodrome/heliport at which the landing was scheduled to take place. This notification may be made through any available communication link.
1.1.5  The pilot-in-command shall be responsible for ensuring that:
  1. if practique has not been granted to the aircraft at the previous landing, contact between other persons on the one hand and passengers and crew on the other is avoided;
  2. cargo, baggage and mail are not removed from the aircraft except as provided below;
  3. any foodstuff of overseas origin or any plant material is not removed from the aircraft except where local food is unobtainable. All food refuse including peelings, cores, stones of fruit, etc. must be collected and returned to the galley refuse container, the contents of which should not be removed from the aircraft except for hygiene reasons; in that circumstance the contents must be destroyed either by burning or by deep burial.
1.1.6  In addition to the aerodromes/heliports available for public use listed in this AIP, a number of other aerodromes/airfields are located throughout the country. These aerodromes/airfields are available only for state flights.
1.1.7  Separate public heliports are presently not established in Albania. However, helicopter operations may normally take place on public aerodromes.
1.2   Traffic of persons and vehicles on aerodromes/heliports
1.2.1  The grounds of each aerodrome/heliport are divided into two zones:
  1. a public zone comprising the part of the aerodrome/heliport open to the public; and
  2. a restricted zone comprising the rest of the aerodrome/heliport.
1.2.2  Access to the restricted zone is authorized only under the conditions prescribed by the special rules governing the aerodrome/heliport. The customs, police, and health inspection offices and the premises assigned to transit traffic are normally accessible only to passengers, to staff of the public authorities and airlines and to authorized persons in pursuit of their duty. The movement of persons having access to the restricted zone of the aerodrome/heliport is subject to the conditions prescribed by the air navigation regulations and by the special rules laid down by the aerodrome administration.
1.2.3  The movement of vehicles in the restricted zone is strictly limited to vehicles driven or used by persons carrying a traffic permit or an official card of admittance. Drivers of vehicles, of whatever type, operating within the confines of the aerodrome/heliport must respect the direction of the traffic, the traffic signs and the posted speed limits and generally comply with the instructions given by the competent authorities.
1.2.4  Care and protection of aircraft, vehicles, equipment and goods used at the aerodrome/heliport are not the responsibility of the State or any concessionaire; they cannot be held responsible for loss or damage which is not incurred through action by them or their agents.

1.3   Applicable ICAO documents

1.3.1  The Standard Recommended Practices and Procedures contained in the ICAO Annex 14, Volumes I and II, are applied without differences.

2.   Civil use of military air bases

Not applicable.

3.   Cat II/III operations at aerodromes

Not applicable.

4.   Aerodrome operating minima

Not applicable.

5.   Other information
