ENR 1.9  Air traffic flow management and airspace management

1.   General

1.1   Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM)
1.1.1  ATFCM is a service that is enhancing ATFM with the objective of managing the balance of demand and capacity by optimising the use of available resources and coordinating adequate responses, in order to enhance the quality of service and the performance of the ATM system.
1.1.2  A Centralised Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM) service is established within the ICAO (EUR) Region to optimise the use of air traffic system capacity. The EUROCONTROL Network Manager (NM) in Brussels is responsible for the provision of ATFCM service within the ATFCM area in conjunction with Flow Management Positions (FMPs) established at each ACC. A description of the ATFCM area and information on the Network Operations Systems can be found in the ATFCM Operations Manual.
1.1.3  The general ATFCM procedures which apply throughout the ICAO European Region are published in the ICAO Doc 7030 - Regional Supplementary Procedures (EUR).
1.1.4  Specific ATFCM procedures and information can be found in the ATFCM Users Manual published by the NM and available from the NM website at: http://www.eurocontrol.int/network-operations/library
1.1.5  Only a limited selection of ATFCM procedures are reproduced in the AIP Albania. Reference should be made to the ATFCM Users Manual for comprehensive information and procedures.
1.2   Network Operations Plan
1.2.1  The Network Operations Plan has been developed to build a single document that provides a consolidated view of the forecast seasonal, monthly, weekly and daily ATFCM situation.
1.2.2  In the context of the Network Operations Plan, winter is defined as the period 31st October – 30th April and summer 1st May – 30th October.
1.2.3  The Network Operations Plan is published on the Network Operations Portal (NOP) at:
1.3   Route Availability Document (RAD)
1.3.1  The Route Availability Document (RAD) is an ATFCM tool that is designed as a sole-source flight-planning document, which integrates both structural and ATFCM requirements, geographically and vertically.
1.3.2  The objective of the RAD is to facilitate flight planning in order to improve ATFCM, while allowing AOs’ flight planning flexibility. It provides a single, fully integrated and coordinated routing scheme.
1.3.3  The RAD enables ATC to maximise capacity and reduce complexity by defining restrictions that prevent disruption to the organised system of major traffic flows through congested areas with due regard to AOs requirements.
1.3.4  Permanent amendments to the RAD, or the period of validity, are coordinated by the NM with the relevant FMPs and AOs, taking into account agreed publication and implementation dates, in accordance with AIRAC procedures.
1.3.5  The RAD is promulgated on the Network Operations Portal (NOP) at:


1.3.6  Temporary changes due to exceptional circumstances (e.g. major equipment failure, industrial action or large-scale military exercises) may necessitate the suspension of part of the RAD for specified periods, and additional routings will be activated where possible following coordination with the relevant FMPs and AOs. Changes will be published by ATFCM Information Message (AIM) giving details of the traffic affected, the period of activation and the corresponding routings.
1.3.7  The RAD defines restrictions on points, ATS route segments, DCT segments, sectors or through specified areas during the published period of validity. Aircraft Operators planning flights through these areas must flight plan in accordance with these route restrictions, taking into account any change of validity.
1.3.8  When filing flight plans, Aircraft Operators must comply with any flight level limitation published in the RAD.
1.4   Routing scenarios
1.4.1  Routing scenarios may be applied by the NM to help resolve particular problems on particular days. These involve recommended or mandatory routes for particular groups of flights or selected individual flights. Re-routes for groups of flights will be published by the NM in an ATFCM Notification Message (ANM).
1.4.2  Re-routing may include restricting the level of an aircraft to keep it out of a particular ATC sector. This is known as level capping.
1.4.3  A list of available re-routing and level capping scenarios is promulgated on the Network Operations Portal (NOP) at:


1.4.4  Aircraft Operators (AOs) complying with a re-route or level capping requirement shall cancel any existing flight plan and re-file on the new route in accordance with the Replacement Flight Plan procedure published in the IFPS Users Manual.

2.   Flight Planing

2.1   Submission of a flight plan
2.1.1  AOs filing flight plans for flights within the ATFCM area or from within the ATFCM adjacent area and entering the ATFCM area shall assume their flight is subject to ATFCM measures and subject to the requirement to submit a flight plan at least 3 hours before EOBT.
2.1.2  For flights likely to be subject to ATFCM measures Aircraft Operators shall submit Flight Plans to IFPS at least 3 hours before the EOBT.
2.1.3  AOs should be aware that late filing of a flight plan may lead to a disproportionate delay.
2.1.4  The correct application of the STS/ATFMX procedure will ensure that approved flights are not unnecessarily delayed.
2.1.5  Full details of flight planning requirements within the ATFCM area are included in the ATFCM Users Manual.
2.2   Modification of Estimated Off Block Time (EOBT)
2.2.1  It is a requirement for both ATC and ATFCM, that the EOBT of a flight shall be an accurate EOBT. This applies to all flights, whether subject to a flow management regulation or not.
2.2.2  Any change to the EOBT of more than 15 minutes (+ or -) for any IFR flight within the Initial Flight Planning Zone (IFPZ) shall be communicated to IFPS.
2.2.3  An AO should not modify the EOBT to a later time simply as a result of an ATFCM delay (CTOT). When an AO submits an amendment message (e.g. DLA or CHG) to IFPS, they must always give as EOBT the earliest EOBT they may comply with. The EOBT in IFPS should always reflect the time at which the AO actually wants to be off-blocks. The EOBT should always be changed if the original EOBT established by the AO cannot be met by the AO for reasons other than ATFCM delay.
2.2.4  The following procedures are to enable an AO to meet the above requirements whenever they know that the EOBT of a flight will require modification.
2.2.5  The procedure to be followed to modify the EOBT of a flight that has not received an ATFCM Slot is as follows:
  1. To amend the EOBT to a later time, a DLA or CHG message shall be sent to IFPS;
  2. To amend the EOBT to an earlier time, a CNL message shall be sent to IFPS, which, on receipt of ACK message, shall be followed by a new flight plan with the new EOBT indicated.

Note: The replacement flight plan procedure shall not be used.

2.2.6  The procedure to be followed to modify the EOBT of a flight that has received an ATFCM Slot is as follows:
  1. If the EOBT of a flight has changed or is no longer realistic for reasons other than ATFCM then the following procedure shall be used:
    • If a flight has a CTOT which cannot be met, then the AO shall send a DLA message to IFPS with the new EOBT of the flight. This may trigger a revised CTOT;
    • If a flight has a CTOT with some delay and the AO is aware that the original EOBT cannot be met but the existing CTOT is acceptable, then a DLA message shall be sent to IFPS with the new EOBT of the flight. However, in order not to trigger a new CTOT with a worse delay, the following formula should be used:

      Take the current CTOT, minus the taxi time, minus 10 minutes and send the new EOBT, which must not be after this time.

      Example: Original EOBT 1000, CTOT 1100, but the flight cannot go off blocks until 1025. The taxi-time is say 15 minutes. 1100 minus15, minus10 = 1035. The new EOBT must be earlier than 1035. If it is, then this action will not trigger a revised CTOT. However, as NM systems are continuously seeking to give zero delay, the CTOT of the flight will never be earlier than the new EOBT plus the taxi time.

  2. If a flight has had a CTOT and now receives a Slot Cancellation (SLC) message but the original EOBT can no longer be met, then the AO shall communicate the new EOBT by use of a DLA message. ATC/ATFCM will now have the ‘true’ EOBT of the flight.
2.2.7  It is not possible to amend (via CHG or DLA) the EOBT to an earlier time than the EOBT given in the flight plan. However, if a flight is ready to go off blocks earlier than the current EOBT, then there are two options available:
  1. The AOs may ask the local ATC Unit (TWR), or the FMP, to send a Ready (REA) message. In this case, the flight is considered as ‘ready to depart’ from the filing time of the REA message; or
  2. The AOs may contact Flow Management (FM) Helpdesk who has the ability to input an earlier EOBT into the TACT system (max –30 minutes). Each case is treated on its merits and may be refused if it is considered that the request is not justified.
2.3   The Ready (REA) message
2.3.1  For regulated flights being in a situation to depart before their CTOT / EOBT (doors are closed and flight ready to depart), the AO may ask the local ATC Unit to send a Ready (REA) message.
2.3.2  These actions will trigger the REA status for the concerned flight.
2.3.3  A REA may be sent between EOBT minus 15 minutes, and no later than the CTOT – TAXITIME/MINLINEUP – SRM minimum improvement time (5 minutes) of the flight which may result in a flight being offered earlier CTOT or even take off time before its original EOBT.
2.3.4  The REA message relates to the regulated flights only. If it is sent for a non-regulated flight an error message will be generated by the ETFMS with the comment “MESSAGE RECEIVED BUT NO SLOT HAS BEEN ISSUED”.
2.3.5  The REA message can only be sent by the ATC Unit following a request from AO. AO may ask the ATC Unit to send a REA in two situations:
  1. The flight is ready to depart before the EOBT (maximum 15 minutes before);
  2. The flight is ready to depart before its CTOT (no later than CTOT – TAXITIME/ MINLINEUP – SRM minimum improvement time (5 minutes)).
2.3.6  ATC may include a MINLINEUP time in the REA to indicate the minimum time needed to get from its present position to the take-off.
2.3.7  The NM will use the REA message to try to improve the CTOT of the flight up to present time plus the duration indicated in the - MINLINEUP (if included in the REA, otherwise the default taxi time of the ADEP is used).
2.3.8  If the regulated flight is ready before its EOBT, the NM will consider the filing time as a new EOBT and the MINLINEUP, if any, as a revised taxi time.
2.3.9  If a CTOT improvement is possible, the NM will send an SRM.
2.3.10  The REA status can be changed by sending a:
  1. DLA / CHG message with a later EOBT. A CTOT recalculation could be triggered;
  2. DLA / CHG message with an EOBT inside the current CTOT tolerance window.
2.3.11  When the REA message is sent before the EOBT, the time stamp of the REA message will be the new EOBT.

3.   Slot Allocation Procedures

3.1   Slot Allocation Process
3.1.1  The slot allocation procedures are applied to all flights subject to ATFCM slot allocation departing from within the ATFCM area or from within the ATFCM adjacent area and entering the ATFCM area.
3.1.2  When no other option is available, a regulation will be applied by NM and departure times will be issued in the form of a Calculated Take-Off Time (CTOT). This is facilitated by Computer Assisted Slot Allocation (CASA) algorithm within the Enhanced Tactical Flow Management System (ETFMS).
3.1.3  The CASA system is largely automatic and centralised, and functions from an AO’s point of view in passive mode. There is, therefore, no requirement to request a slot as the act of filing a flight plan effectively constitutes a request.
3.1.4  Pre-planned or strategic ATFCM regulations are promulgated by the NM one day in advance by ATFCM Notification Messages (ANM). All changes and tactical additions are promulgated by ANM revision messages.
3.1.5  For flights subject to a regulation, CASA will send a Slot Allocation Message (SAM) containing a CTOT at Estimated Off Block Time (EOBT) - 2 hours. This will be sent to the aerodrome of departure as well as the Aircraft Operator via AFTN or SITA.
3.1.6  Revisions to, or cancellations of, the last issued CTOT may be initiated by NM, the Aircraft Operator, or the FMP/ATC unit on behalf of the AO. AOs requiring assistance should contact either the FM Helpdesk (Tel: 00-32-2-745-1901) or the Tirana FMP (see paragraph
3.1.7  All CTOT revisions or cancellations are to be made using the ATFCM message exchange procedures described in the ATFCM Operations Manual.
3.1.8  Full details of the Slot Allocation Process are published in the ATFCM Users Manual.
3.2   Slot Adherence

Aircraft Operators and ATC are jointly responsible for achieving CTOT compliance at departure aerodromes.

3.2.1   Air Traffic Control (ATC)  ALBCONTROL provides a Flow Management Position at the Tirana ACC to liaise between ATC and NM, and to provide ATFCM support to AOs as shown in the table below:
FMPLocationArea of ResponsibilityACC Served
Tirana FMPTirana ACCTirana FIRTirana ACC  ATFCM enquiries should be addressed to the Tirana FMP between the hours 0900 -1700 (local time), Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays, as follows:

ALBCONTROL Air Navigation Services of Albania Tirana ACC P.O. Box 8172 Rinas, Tirana Albania

Tel: +355 4 2377721

Fax:+355 4 2343487



Outside the hours notified above, ATFCM enquiries should be addressed to the Tirana ACC as follows:

Tel:+355 4 2371230

Fax:+355 4 2343487


URL:www.albcontrol.al  ATC is responsible for CTOT compliance monitoring at departure aerodromes. Whereas the exact procedures to be followed will depend on the way that ATS is organized at each aerodrome, the following requirements shall apply in all cases:
  1. ATC shall ensure that CTOT, if applicable, be included as part of the ATC clearance;
  2. ATC shall take account of an applicable slot or flight suspension when a clearance is issued;
  3. ATC units responsible for departure slot monitoring shall be provided with the necessary information concerning the restrictions in force and slots allocated;
  4. ATC shall provide all possible assistance to AOs to meet CTOT or to coordinate a revised CTOT;
  5. ATC shall take account of an applicable slot or flight suspension when a clearance is issued;
  6. ATC may deny start up clearance to a flight unable to meet its CTOT until coordination with the ATFCM units concerned has been effected and a revised CTOT issued.  ATC is also responsible for monitoring flights compliance with departure slots (CTOTs) issued by the NM as detailed in the ATFCM Users Manual. A slot window of -5 to +10 minutes is available to ATC to optimise the departure sequence.  In accordance with the provision of the Regional Supplementary Procedures, Europe (ICAO Doc 7030), flights which do not adhere to their slot shall be denied start-up clearance. However, ATC shall make all efforts to enable departing flights to comply with the slot. ATC shall liaise with the Tirana FMP to co-ordinate extensions to CTOTs.  With the progressive introduction of the NM Enhanced Tactical Flight Management System (ETFMS) and Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM), flights that are not notified as being airborne within 30 minutes of the notified ETOT or CTOT will receive a Flight Suspension (FLS) message. If a flight is suspended during the taxiing phase, then ATC is responsible for sending a DLA message.
3.2.2   Aircraft Operators  AOs shall inform themselves of and adhere to:
  1. general ATFCM procedures including flight plan filing and message exchange requirements;
  2. strategic ATFCM measures (including the RAD);
  3. current ATFCM measures (including specific measures applicable on the day of operation, as promulgated by ANM or Flight Suspension (FLS) messages);
  4. departure slots (CTOTs) issued by the FM and procedures related to changes to CTOTs;
  5. the NM requirement for the modification or delay of EOBT. This is particularly important with the progressive implementation of NM Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM) whereby flights not notified as being airborne within 30 minutes of the notified ETOT or CTOT will receive a flight suspension message;
  6. the sole responsibility to obtain a new CTOT if there is no RTF contact with the TWR at CTOT;
  7. the correct procedure to be followed to obtain approval for the use of STS/ATFMX.  In order to comply with a CTOT, Aircraft Operators need to plan the departure of a flight so that the aircraft will be ready for start-up in sufficient time to comply with a CTOT taking into account the taxi time shown in the Slot Allocation Message (SAM). A slot window is available to ATC to optimise the departure sequence. This is not for use by AOs who should plan an EOBT consistent with the CTOT.  Where a flight departs from an aerodrome with an ATS Unit, the Aircraft Operator or pilot should obtain information, prior to start up from ATS as to whether a CTOT or FLS affects their flight.  Where a flight departs from an aerodrome without an ATS Unit, or when the FPL has been filed with Tirana ARO, it is the Aircraft Operator or pilot's responsibility to determine whether a CTOT or FLS affects their flight. In this case, the Aircraft Operator or pilot should contact the NM or FMP before the aircraft departs.
3.3   Slot revisions
3.3.1   Slot Allocation Message (SAM)  A SAM is sent to AOs / ATC any time a flight becomes regulated (new flight entering the system, new period of regulation in the system, in response to an FCM or CHG providing new RVR after a suspension) but at the earliest 2 hours before the last received EOBT.  The SAM is used to inform AOs and ATC of the Calculated Take-Off Time (CTOT) for an individual flight.  AOs/ATC shall comply with the CTOT. A slot is issued as a Calculated Take-Off Time (CTOT). The CTOT is defined as a time at which the aircraft shall take-off.  The calculation of take-off times takes into account the off-block times and an average taxiing time for the runway in use at the airfield concerned.
3.3.2   Slot Revision Message (SRM)  An SRM may be sent by the NM:
  1. To notify all concerned of either a significant change (>5’) to the original CTOT or a modification of the most penalising regulation or both;
  2. In response to a DLA or CHG when the current CTOT is no longer compliant with the new information;
  3. To notify all concerned of a routine improvement of the CTOT by the revision process for a flight in an RFI status or in a Ready (REA) situation.  The AOs / ATS must comply with the NEWCTOT.
3.3.3   Slot Requirement Cancellation (SLC) Message  A SLC is sent to AOs / ATC to advise that a flight which has received a CTOT is no longer subject to an ATFCM regulation.  It may be due to the change in parameters of an existing regulation or its cancellation, to the reception of a message from AOs such as DLA, CHG, and FCM.

Note: When the current EOBT is more than 15 minutes in the past a comment ‘PLEASE UPDATE EOBT WITH A DLA MSG’ will be included in the SLC reminding the AO to update its EOBT by sending a DLA. In the meantime, the flight will be counted as departed at taxi time + TIS after the slot requirement cancellation.  It may also be due to the reception of a CNL message from AOs.

Note: The comment ‘FLIGHT CANCELLED’ will be present because the slot is cancelled as a result of the cancellation of the flight plan.  An SLC does not guarantee that the flight will not be subject to further regulations. If following receipt of the SLC, a new regulation is imposed which affects the flight, the AO will receive a new SAM.  When the SLC is issued after EOBT + 15 minutes, the AO must update its EOBT by sending a DLA to IFPS.

4.   Flight Suspension

4.1   Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM)
4.1.1  With the development of the ETFMS, the NM is now receiving updates on flights once they have departed. These updates are provided by the ATC systems and based on ATC radar and flight plan updates. The benefit of this information is a better knowledge of the present traffic situation.
4.1.2  To take advantage of this information and to improve the prognosis of the traffic pattern, the ETFMS:
  • monitors flights, regulated or non-regulated, which should have been airborne but have not been reported as such at the expected time;
  • takes action on these flights (through internal messaging to NM) to update the take-off time in order to improve the forecast of traffic demand;
  • suspends flights after the designated time parameter (30 minutes after CTOT or ETOT), unless a message is received to confirm that the flight is airborne or delayed; and
  • informs the AOs and ATC at the departure aerodrome of any flight suspensions enabling them to react accordingly.
4.1.3  The expected results is to release the slots unduly occupied by these flights and to create an incentive for the AOs to update their flights in due time.
4.1.4  ETFMS expects flights to be airborne, based on the filed EOBT or the ATFCM slot departure time issued by the NM (CTOT). Those flights that are not notified as being airborne through ATC update messages within 30 minutes of the notified ETOT or CTOT time will receive a Flight Suspension (FLS) message from ETFMS and will remain suspended until signal action is taken. The comment 'NOT REPORTED AS AIRBORNE' will be identified in the text.
4.1.5  Unless an aircraft is taxiing it is the responsibility of the AO to send a DLA message. If a flight is suspended during the taxiing phase then ATC will be responsible for sending a DLA message.
4.1.6  A flight is considered to be active in ETFMS (TACT) following reception of any of the following messages:



Departure Message



Flight System Activation Message



Correlated Position Report



ATC Flight Plan



ATC Flight Plan Change



Aircraft Operator Position Report



Arrival Message

4.1.7  Flights that have been suspended by FAM, will receive a FLS message with the comment ‘NOT REPORTED AS AIRBORNE’.
4.1.8  Any changes of EOBT for both regulated and non-regulated flights must be notified only by means of a DLA/CHG message to IFPS.
4.1.9  Flight Plan originators are reminded that all changes to EOBT of more than 15 minutes must be notified to IFPS. This will become increasingly more important to prevent Flight Suspension (FLS) messages being activated.
4.2   Flight Suspension (FLS)
4.2.1  When the AO and ATC at the aerodrome of departure receive an FLS due to the process, as described earlier, the following cases may occur:
  1. The flight is still effectively on the ground either on stand or already taxiing:
    • The AO (aircraft on stand) or ATC (aircraft already taxiing) should ensure that the flight plan is re-initiated by sending a DLA message with a correct EOBT. ETFMS will then respond with a De-Suspension Message (DES) or Slot Revision Message (SRM) depending whether the flight is non-regulated or regulated, respectively.
    • ATC should not let the aircraft start-up/depart before such a message (DES or SRM) is received.

      Note: All effort shall be made by ATC to ensure that all flights, regulated or not, comply with their ETOT/CTOTs, taking into account the respective taxiing/holding/sequencing requirements. Any exception to permit aircraft to continue for departure, following taxi delays caused by airfield congestion, is not applicable unless the aircraft can depart and be airborne within the time frame ETOT/CTOT+30 minutes.

  2. The flight is already flying:
    • No action is needed from the AO or from the Tower of departure. The flight will automatically be de-suspended at the reception of one of the above messages (DEP, CPR, FSA etc.).

Note: The continuous re-occurrence of the above may mean a lack of proper information sent to NM. One possible solution would be a requirement to initiate DEP messages sent by the departure aerodrome but this will be determined by the NM through the Tirana FMP.

4.2.2  All users will be notified by NM by means of AIM whenever an area will have Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM) enabled.
4.2.3  The effect of these areas being FAM-enabled means that all flights that are departing from or arriving at these areas will be affected by Flight Activation Monitoring.
4.2.4  For flights departing from these areas and going to any other area, FAM will start at ETOT/CTOT.
4.2.5  For flights departing from non FAM-enabled and landing at aerodromes in FAM-enabled areas, the process will rely on the entry point of the first safely covered CPR-covered area. FLS may be sent to these flights landing inside, although departing outside.

5.   ATFCM exemption procedures

5.1   STS indicator granting exemption from ATFCM measures
5.1.1  Since the introduction of the NM it has been possible for Flight Plan (FPL) originators to obtain exemptions from ATFCM restrictions for certain flights through the use of STS/indicators in FPLs.
5.1.2  The following principles apply:
  1. The insertion of a STS/… indicator in Field 18 of a Flight Plan will identify that a flight may require special handling. This indicator is for use by all parties that may have to handle the flight;
  2. The current list of STS/indicators recognized for ATFCM purposes comprises:
  3. Additionally, STS/ATFMX may be used if that particular flight has received specific approval from the CAA for processing such requests.
5.1.3  The following flights are exempted from ATFCM slot allocation:
  1. flights carrying Head of State or equivalent status (STS/HEAD);
  2. flights conducting search and rescue operations (STS/SAR);
  3. flights authorised by the relevant States Authorities to include in the flight plan STS/ATFMX;
  4. flights carrying a life-critical emergency evacuation (STS/MEDEVAC);
  5. flights engaged in fire-fighting (STS/FFR).
5.1.4  It should be noted that the indicator STS/ATFMX is only used for ATFCM purposes. It is subject to strict application of the rules of usage and is additional to any other special handling notification that may be required to be shown for ATC purposes as STS/... in Field 18 of the flight plan.
5.1.5  Further information on the use of STS/indicators for ATFCM purposes may be found in the ATFCM Users Manual published by the NM.
5.2   Rules of application for the use of STS/ATFMX
5.2.1  The following Rules of Application shall be applicable to all flights seeking to gain exemption from ATFCM measures within the area of responsibility of the NM. It is intended to ensure that flights, which by the nature of their mission, cannot under any circumstances be delayed due to ATFCM.
5.2.2  It should be noted by all users that any flight which obtains exemption, and which may have otherwise been delayed, will have that delay passed on to other flights. It is essential, therefore, that use of the exemption facility shall be properly controlled and monitored so that genuine flight priorities may continue to operate without ATFCM delay.
5.2.3  Any flight meeting the criteria established to warrant exemption status may, provided the necessary approval procedure has been followed and the flight duly authorized by the CAA of Albania for processing such requests, use STS/ATFMX for that flight and that flight only.
5.2.4  Each flight shall require specific approval to use STS/ATFMX.
5.3   Criteria for determining the application of STS/ATFMX
5.3.1   STS/HOSP  The NM criteria afford ATFCM exemption for flights where the safety of human life is involved. The subfield STS/HOSP may be used for those flights categorized as a medical flight specifically declared by the relevant medical authorities.  Routine positioning flights e.g. returning empty after an evacuation or positioning for fuel or positioning to an airport to collect a patient some time after arrival (i.e. not time critical) shall not qualify for use of the sub-field STS/HOSP.  If the flight fulfils the requirements, as stated above, then the flight may apply for approval to use STS/ATFMX.
5.3.2   STS/HUM  Only those flights that are undertaken for humanitarian reasons shall use the sub-field STS/HUM indicator.  If the flight fulfils the requirements, as stated above, then the flight may apply for approval to use STS/ATFMX.
5.3.3   STS/STATE  The NM guidelines recommend that ATFCM exemption may only be approved for flights if the person or persons on board a flight on State business are of such importance that the flight cannot accept any delay. Additionally, approval may be given if the mission of the flight is being carried out by, or on behalf of, the State and is of such importance that any delay will jeopardize the success of the mission.  If the flight fulfils the requirements, as stated above, then the flight may apply for approval to use STS/ATFMX.
5.4   Flight Priority
5.4.1  It should be noted that the use of STS/ATFMX does not itself afford the flight any additional flight priority status for special handling by ATS. There are other STS/indicators that indicate the need for special handling by ATS.
5.4.2  A STS/STATE flight may be afforded appropriate ATS handling priority because of the importance of the mission, or the person on board the flight.
5.4.3  The combined use of STS/HOSP with STS/ATFMX will indicate to ATS that the flight is required to operate without delay and so justify exemption from ATFCM. Such flights may be afforded additional priority that the traffic situation allows.
5.4.4  Non-urgent flights will continue to use STS/HOSP indicating that special handling is required. Additional information may be included in item 18 of the FPL using RMK/ or the pilot may advise ATS exactly what special handling is required. However, if any STS/HOSP flight experiences a medical emergency in flight, then the appropriate radiotelephony message(s) should be used to express the urgency of the condition to ATS. It should be noted that the procedures detailed here are for ATC Flow Management purposes.
5.4.5  To ensure safe and expeditious delivery of COVID-19 vaccines, aircraft operators of flights carrying such vaccines should ask approval from Albanian Civil Aviation Authority for exemption from ATFM measures for each flight deemed critical. Upon approval, STS/ATFMX and RMK/VACCINE shall be inserted in item 18 of the flight plan. Aircraft operators carrying COVID-19 vaccines regularly may request approval in advance for all flights involved.
5.5   Procedure for the approval of use of STS/ATFMX
5.5.1  The operator of a flight seeking an individual approval to insert the indicator STS/ATFMX in Item 18 of a flight plan, for a flight departing from an aerodrome within the Tirana FIR, shall obtain prior permission from the relevant authority, when practicable, at least 24 hours in advance of the flight.
5.5.2  Application for approval of STS/HOSP, STS/HUM or STS/STATE should normally be made to the CAA between the hours 0800 - 1600 (local time), Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays, on the application form available at: http://trafficrights.acaa.gov.al/
5.6   Compliance monitoring
5.6.1  A report monitoring the yearly level of exempted flights per country and their adherence to the target of 0.6% per year shall be published quarterly by the NM. This report shall present a quarterly evolution per country together with country details (yearly and monthly repartition) about each status of exemption.
5.6.2  The CAA is responsible for leading the investigation of detected problem and reporting directly to the EC, copying in NM.

6.   Airspace Management (ASM)

6.1   Introduction
6.1.1  Airspace management within Albanian airspace is exercised through the application of relevant rules and procedures encompassing the Flexible Use of Airspace Concept, and in compliance with Regulation (EC) No. 2150/2005 and Order of Minister of Transport No. 10/2008 laying down the common rules for the flexible use of airspace.
6.2   ASM organisation
6.2.1  The FUA Concept is based on three Levels of ASM, which are identified as:
  1. Strategic ASM - ASM Level 1. Strategic ASM consists of a joint civil/military process within the National Airspace Management Policy Committee (NAMPC), constituted by the Government and enacting the function of the High Level Airspace Policy Body.
  2. Pre-Tactical ASM - ASM Level 2. Pre-tactical ASM consists of the day-to-day management and temporary allocation of airspace. This is achieved primarily through the ASM function of the Airspace Management Cell, which is a joint civil/military focal point established between ALBCONTROL and the Albanian Air Force, and vested with the authority to execute Level 2 and Level 3 ASM within the framework of the airspace structures, priority rules and negotiation procedures as laid down by the NAMPC.


    Phone: +355 4 4542232

    Email: amc@albcontrol.al

  3. Tactical ASM - ASM Level 3. Tactical ASM is the real-time activation, deactivation or reallocation of the airspace allocated at ASM Level 2. Level 3 ASM includes the resolution of specific airspace problems and/or traffic situations between civil and military ATS units, as well as real-time civil/military coordination.


    Phone: +355 4 2371230

    Email: Supervisor_ACC@albcontrol.al

6.3   Promulgation
6.3.1  The Albanian airspace allocation is published by the AMC Albania in a daily Airspace Use Plan. This AUP shall be published by the Centralized Airspace Data Function (CADF) on the EUROCONTROL Network Operations Portal (NOP) in section European AUP/UUP (EAUP/EUUP) at:


6.3.2  The validity period of the AUP is from 0600 UTC D until 0600 UTC D+1.
6.3.3  Possible updates to the AUP may be effected by the AMC through an Updated Airspace Use Plan (UUP), and published in accordance with the EAUP/EUUP procedure laid down in NM/CADF Operations Manual.
6.3.4  The AMC section in the ALBONTROL website at: www.albcontrol.al (services/ ASM) is a centralised tool for all civil airspace users. It contains the “Airspace Management Handbook” laying down the applicable rules and procedures for the FUA Concept including priority rules and negotation procedures, as well as an updated list of Approved Agencies.
6.3.5  Information on pre-tactical, and tactical temporary airspace allocation, whenever available, shall be published by the AMC in a timely manner.