LAKU — KUKES Aerodrome

LAKU AD 2.1   Aerodrome location indicator and name

LAKU — KUKES Aerodrome

LAKU AD 2.2   Aerodrome geographical and administrative data

1Aerodrome reference point and its site



Midpoint of RWY 01/19

2Direction and distance of aerodrome reference point from centre of the city2.82 NM South of Kukes
3Aerodrome elevation and reference temperature1160 FT/28° C
4Geoid undulation at the aerodrome elevation position142 FT
5Magnetic variation, date of information and annual change5° E (2021)/0.1°
6Name of aerodrome operator, address, telephone and telefax numbers, e-mail address, AFS address and, if available, website address

Kukes International Airport National Highway Kukës - Peshkopi, Km 3, Shtiqen, Kukës Albania

Phone: +355 697015951



7Types of traffic permitted to use the aerodrome (IFR/VFR)IFR-VFR

LAKU AD 2.3   Operational hours

1Aerodrome operator


2Customs and immigration


3Health and sanitation


4AIS Briefing OfficeNIL
5ATS Reporting Office (ARO)NIL
6MET Briefing OfficeNIL








12RemarksAll flight operations to and from Kukes Airport are subject to Prior Permission Required (PPR).
Operators must submit the application form and the documents to CAA at least three (3) working days in advance prior to the scheduled start of operations.
Operators are not allowed to use the airport as an alternate.
ATS Reporting Service and MET information are provided by Kukes AFIS unit.

LAKU AD 2.4   Handling services and facilities

1Cargo-handling facilities


2Fuel and oil types


AVGAS - Octane 100 aviation gasoline

A1 - Jet A1 aviation fuel

By arrangement with fuel company


3Fuelling facilities and capacity

1 truck 18000 litres

4De-icing facilities

Aircraft de-icing fluid, type 1

5Hangar space for visiting aircraftNIL
6Repair facilities for visiting aircraftNIL

LAKU AD 2.5   Passenger facilities


In the city


In the city


Buses, taxis from the AD

4Medical facilities

First aid at AD. Hospitals in the city

5Bank and Post Office

Bank and Post Office in the city

6Tourist Office

Tourist Office in the city


LAKU AD 2.6   Rescue and fire fighting services

1Aerodrome category for firefightingBelongs to CAT 6
2Rescue equipment

2 trucks

3Capability for removal of disabled aircraftPush-back tractors and tow bars for MTOW 120 tons

LAKU AD 2.7   Seasonal availability - clearing

1Seasonal availabilityAerodrome must be used with caution during the winter season of the year.
2Type(s) of clearing equipmentMechanical, chemical de-icing.
3Clearance priorities
  • Runway in use and designated taxiway;
  • Apron;
  • PAPI area if needed; and
  • All other aircraft operating areas not yet cleared.
4Use of material for movement area surface treatmentNAAC
5Specially prepared winter runwaysNot applicable

See AD 1.2.2 for the runway surface condition assessment and reporting.

LAKU AD 2.8   Aprons, taxiways and check locations/positions data

1Designation, surface and strength of aprons

Designation: MAIN APRON

Surface: CONC

Strength: PCN 59/R/C/W/T

2Designation, width, surface and strength of taxiways

Designation: B

Width: 23 M

Surface: ASPH

Strength: PCN 53/F/A/X/T

3Location and elevation of altimeter checkpointsNIL
4Location of VOR checkpointsNIL
5Position of INS checkpointsNIL

LAKU AD 2.9   Surface movement guidance and control system and markings

1Use of aircraft stand identification signs, taxiway guide lines and visual docking/parking guidance system at aircraft standsApproach to the apron is from the taxiway B, following the continuous yellow line markings.Usually aircraft are guided by a “FOLLOW ME” car. The guidance principles are according to the marshaller’s hand signals.
2Runway and taxiway markings and lightsRWY 01/19Markings: Designation numbers and touchdown zoneLGT: Threshold, runway end and runway edges
Markings: Taxi-holding positions and TWY centrelineLGT: Taxiway edges
3Stop bars and runway guard lights (if any)NIL
4Other runway protection measuresNIL

LAKU AD 2.10  Aerodrome Obstacles

1.   Obstacles in Area 2

The list of obstacles in Area 2 is available as a digital data set. See GEN

2.   Obstacles in Area 3

The list of obstacles in Area 3 is available as a digital data set. See GEN

LAKU AD 2.11   Meteorological information provided

1Name of the associated meteorological office

Kukes MET Office

2Hours of service and, where applicable, the designation of the responsible meteorological office outside these hours


3Office responsible for preparation of TAFs and periods of validity and interval of issuance of the forecastsTirana MET Office
Available during operation hours of Kukes AFIS unit (first issued 1 hour prior to the start of operations)
4Availability of the trend forecasts for the aerodrome, and interval of issuanceNIL
5Information on how briefing and/or consultation is providedBy Kukes AFIS unit (via multimedia)
6Types of flight documentation supplied and language(s) used in flight documentationAerodrome METAR and TAF
7Charts and other information displayed or available for briefing or consultationNIL
8Supplementary equipment available for providing information on meteorological conditions, e.g. weather radar andreceiver for satellite imagesNIL
9The air traffic services unit(s) provided with meteorological informationKukes AFIS unit
10Additional information (e.g. concerning any limitation of service, etc.)LAKU METAR available during operation hours of Kukes AFIS unit

LAKU AD 2.12   Runway physical characteristics

DesignationTrue bearingsRWY dimensionsRWY/SWY strength (PCN) and surfaceTHR coordinates RWY end coordinatesTHR geoid undulationTHR elevation TDZ highest elevation
01012.992198 X 30 M



420128.16N 0202444.35E


142.3 FT

THR 1160.4 FT
19192.992198 X 30 M



420237.60N 0202505.84E


142.3 FT

THR 1152.2 FT
RWY/SWY slopeSWY dimensionsCLR dimensionsStripdimensionsRESA dimensions

- 0.11%

NILNIL2318 X 150 M240 X 150 M

+ 0.11%

NILNIL2318 X 150 M90 X 60 M
Location of arresting systemOFZRemarks

LAKU AD 2.13   Declared distances

Runway designatorTORATODAASDALDARemarks

2198 M

2198 M

2198 M




2198 M


LAKU AD 2.14   Approach and runway lighting

Runway designatorApproach lighting system type, length and intensityTHR lights colour and wing barsVASIS typeTDZ lights length




19Type: Simple approach lighting system Length: 420 MIntensity: LIHAdjustable in 5 stages



3.5° Left


RWY centre line lights length, spacing, colour and intensityRWY edge lightslength, spacing,colour and intensityRWY end lights colour and wing barsStopway lightslength and colourRemarks
NILLength: 2 198 MSpacing: 60 MColour: WhiteIntensity: LIHRedNILDue to terrain constraints PAPI lights are visible from about 4 km

LAKU AD 2.15   Other lighting, secondary power supply

1Location, characteristics and hours of operation of aerodrome beacon/identification beacon



2Location and lighting of anemometer/landing direction indicatorLDI: NIL
Anemometer: NIL
3Taxiway edge and taxiway centre line lightsEdge: NIL
Centre line: NIL
4Secondary power supply/switch-over
Secondary power supply to all lighting at AD. Switch-over time:12 SEC

LAKU AD 2.16   Helicopter landing area


LAKU AD 2.17   Air traffic service Airspace

Designation and lateral limitsVertical limitsClass of AirspaceATS unit call sign/ LanguageTransition AltitudeHours of applicabilityRemarks


415929N 0203631E - 415901N 0194718E - 422301N 0194651E - 422314N 0201342E along Tirana FIR boundary to the point of origin.

Upper limit: FL115
Lower limit: GND
GKukes Aerodrome InformationEN10000 FT Applicable during AFIS unit operational hoursOutside AFIS HO, pilots entering Kukes FIZ/RMZ are requested to contact Tirana APP on frequency 133.150 MHz to receive flight information.

LAKU AD 2.18   ATS communication facilities

Service DesignationCall signChannel(s)Hours of operationRemarks
AFISKukes Aerodrome Information118.375 MHz119.825 MHz

121.500 MHz Emergency Channel

LAKU AD 2.19   Radio navigation and landing aids

Type of aids MAG Variation VOR/ILS DeclinationIDFrequency/ChannelHours of operationGeographical coordinates of transmitting antennaElevation of DME transmitting antennaRemarks
GPSNIL1575.42 MHzH24Tirana FIRNILOperated by US Department of Defense

LAKU AD 2.20   Local aerodrome regulations

1.   Local regulations
1.1  Local regulations applicable to the traffic at Kukes International Airport are collected in a manual which is available at the Airport Operations Office. This manual includes, among other subjects, the following:
  1. the meaning of markings and signs;
  2. information about taxiing from aircraft parking positions;
  3. limitations in the operation of large aircraft;
  4. helicopter operations;
  5. marshaller assistance;
  6. fuel spillage; and
  7. precautions during extreme weather conditions.
1.2  Marshaller assistance can be requested and further information about the regulations can be obtained from the Kukes AFIS unit.
1.3  When a local regulation is of importance for the safe operation of aircraft on the apron, the information will be given to each aircraft by the Kukes AFIS unit.
2.   Ground movement
2.1   Parking procedures
2.1.1  Arriving aircraft will be instructed to the main apron by the Kukes AFIS unit. “FOLLOW ME” vehicle will guide the aircraft to the parking stand.
2.1.2  Aircraft landing on Runway 19 are expected to vacate the RWY via TWY B.
2.1.3  General aviation aircraft will be guided by a Marshaller to the apron. Assistance from the “FOLLOW ME” vehicle can be requested via the Kukes AFIS unit.
2.1.4  Since there is no special parking area for helicopters on the aerodrome, helicopters will be instructed by the Kukes AFIS unit to the parking area. Marshaller will guide the helicopter to the parking stand.
2.2   Taxiing
2.2.1  During taxiing, the pilot shall comply with traffic regulation on apron taking into account instructions and information provided by the Kukes AFIS unit in order to avoid collision with other aircraft, vehicles, persons or objects. Neither deviations nor shortcuts are allowed except under the guidance of Marshaller or “FOLLOW ME” vehicle or after special instructions given by the Kukes AFIS unit.
2.2.2  The main apron is used for operation of aircraft category C with maximum wingspan 36 m.
3.   CAT II/III operations

Not applicable.

4.   School and training flights - technical test flights
4.1  Training and technical flights must only be made after permission has been obtained from the CAA of Albania (see GEN 1.2).
4.2  Application for a training flight shall be submitted at least 10 days in advance of the proposed operation.
4.3  Application for a technical test flight shall be submitted at least 2 hours before such a flight is operated.
5.   Removal of disabled aircraft from runway
5.1  When an aircraft is wrecked on a runway, it is the duty of the owner or user of such aircraft to have it removed as soon as possible.
5.2  If a wrecked aircraft is not removed from the runway as quickly as possible by the owner or user, the aircraft will be removed by the aerodrome authority at the owner’s or user’s expense.

LAKU AD 2.21   Noise Abatement Procedures

No noise abatement procedures are established due to low traffic density.

LAKU AD 2.22   Flight Procedures

1.   General
1.1   Flight Information Zone/Radio Mandatory Zone
1.1.1  A FIZ/RMZ is established around Kukes Airport, applicable during the opening hours of airport.
1.1.2  Flights within the Kukes FIZ/RMZ shall be operated in accordance with the Instrument Flight Rules and Visual Flight Rules.
1.1.3  Flights transiting the Kukes FIZ/RMZ shall establish initial contact with Tirana APP unit before entering the designated area and report:
  1. call sign;
  2. type of aircraft;
  3. position;
  4. level; and
  5. intentions of the flight.
1.1.4  Flights departing from Kukes Airport shall make position report before requesting taxiing to Kukes AFIS unit.
1.1.5  Flights shall maintain continuous air-ground voice communication watch when present in the Kukes FIZ/RMZ. Flights shall report exiting the Kukes FIZ/RMZ.
1.2   Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS)
1.2.1  Standard FIS and ALS is provided in the Kukes FIZ/RMZ by the Kukes AFIS unit in accordance to SERA Section 9 and Section 10. In particular, the AFIS Officer (AFISO) shall:
  • inform IFR flights about any other relevant traffic in the Kukes FIZ/RMZ at all time,
  • inform IFR approaches about the availability of the runway and the presence of traffic in the vicinity of the airport, such that the pilots can decide to execute a missed approach due to other traffic when appropriate,
  • instruct arriving flights to the apron,
  • inform IFR departures about the availability of the runway and the presence of traffic in the vicinity of the airport, such that the pilots can decide to postpone lining up when appropriate,
  • transmit ATC departure clearance as provided by Tirana APP Unit for IFR/VFR traffic which plan to cross controlled airspace,
  • pass instructions to vehicles and personnel operating on the maneuvering area,
  • inform all relevant VFR flights about IFR flights in the Kukes FIZ/RMZ.
1.2.2  AFISO shall provide information to departing and arriving aircraft that the runway is free when no aircraft, vehicles or other obstructions are on the runway or safety strip.
2.   Procedures for IFR flights within Kukes FIZ/RMZ
2.1   General remarks
2.1.1  The procedures differ partly from standard ICAO procedures as described in GEN 1.7.
2.1.2  Due to the mountainous terrain in the vicinity of the aerodrome and the requirement for visual manoeuvring, it is considered essential that pilots are well familiar with descent, approach and missed approach procedures, balked landing procedures as well as the visual manoeuvres, and the departure procedures. The responsibility for the preparation of such information rests with the operator for commercial flights, respectively pilot in command (for non-commercial flights).
2.2   Information on design and other details
2.2.1  The design of any departure contingency procedure and balked landing procedure during the visual approach procedure is the responsibility of the operator / pilot in command. These procedures need to be tailored for the specific aircraft types and their performance.
2.3   Aerodrome examination
2.3.1  Site examination by captains or training with a flight simulator equipped with an approved specific external vision system is recommended.
2.4   Special instructions
2.4.1  No take-offs and landings at night.
2.4.2  One engine out approaches should not be executed except in case of emergency justifying opposite decision.
2.4.3  Kukes FIZ/RMZ is a Class G airspace in which AFIS is provided, and due to maneuvering area layout, Tirana APP, in coordination with Kukes AFIS unit, will ensure that only one aircraft at a time will land or take-off.
2.4.4  In this respect, Tirana APP will decide the release time for IFR departures from LAKU in order not to interfere with the flight path of arriving IFR aircraft.
2.5   Arrivals
2.5.1  STARs are published as RNAV1 based on GNSS. Aircraft will follow the appropriate STAR to the Initial Approach Fix (IAF) for the RNP RWY19 approach as instructed by Tirana APP.
2.6   Holding
2.6.1  There is a holding facility located at the IAF SINNE, inbound TR075° right turns, outbound TR255°, 1 minute, minimum holding altitude 10000 FT. After passing SINNE, the aircraft proceeding on the initial approach for the RNP RWY19 procedure shall contact Pristina APP on frequency 135.475 MHz or 125.980 MHz.
2.7   Approach
2.7.1  An RNP approach procedure is in use for RWY19 only. The nominal track is based on a 3.5° glide slope from KU503 (FAF) to touchdown. When established on the final approach, the pilot shall descend using a CDFA approach technique after passing the FAF. After KU504 (MAPt) the procedure is continued as a visual approach procedure.
2.7.2  Visual reference to terrain with minimum visibility 5 KM and ceiling 2300 FT AAL or above is required not later than KU504, prior to continuing with the visual segment of the procedure. For category A aircraft a ceiling of 1200 FT AAL is required to perform a visual circuit in case of a go-around.
2.8   Missed approach
2.8.1  At the MAPt (KU504), turn right to KU505, while climbing to 10000 FT AMSL, then continue to SINNE and join holding. Note the required climb gradient of 4%.
2.8.2  If unable to comply with minimum holding altitude, turn right at SINNE to establish on initial approach track of RNP procedure and continue climb to MSA. After passing the MSA altitude, continue climb to FL120 and turn right to join holding pattern at SINNE.
2.8.3  In case of initiating a missed approach before the MAPt, continue the final approach track until reaching the MAPt before making the right turn.
2.9   Landing
2.9.1  Landings RWY19 only. PAPI is required for RWY19.
2.9.2  Circling RWY01 not allowed.
2.9.3  Special attention must be paid to the visual manoeuvring during the final phase of approach. The alignment with the runway centreline requires precise manoeuvring. The 3.5° descent path and non-standard width runway may create an illusion of being too high. That increases the probability of a balked landing, which is difficult to execute due to the high terrain surrounding the airport.
2.9.4  In case of a go-around, initiate climb and proceed with right turn no later than at the end of the runway at a safe altitude. Proceed visually to KU505, keeping separation to terrain. Note that TAWS alerts may occur during visual manoeuvring. At KU505 join the published missed approach procedure for the RNP RWY19 approach.
2.9.5  Optionally, category A aircraft only, join a right hand downwind for a second landing attempt on RWY19. Minimum visibility 5 KM and ceiling 1200 FT AAL or above is required.
2.10   Take-off
2.10.1  Take-off RWY01 only. Apply NADP1 noise abatement procedure until passing 3000 FT AAL. Strictly adhere to SID procedure.
Turning before the DER may result in undesired proximity to obstacles.
2.10.3  Note the Standard Instrument Departure minimum climb gradients of 9.5% until passing 5000 FT AMSL and 4.3% until passing FL120.
2.11   Radio communication failure procedures
2.11.1  In the event of complete radio communication failure in an aircraft, the pilot is to adopt the procedures described at ICAO Annex 2, 3.6.5.
3.   Procedures for VFR flights within Kukes FIZ/RMZ
3.1   General
3.1.1  VFR flights shall comply with the provisions of SERA Section 4 and Section 5 when operated within or into the Kukes FIZ/RMZ.
3.1.2  A flight plan is required for VFR operations in the Kukes FIZ/RMZ. Procedures relating to VFR flight plan are detailed at ENR 1.10.
3.1.3  Local VFR traffic in the Kukes FIZ/RMZ should avoid flying near the IFR flight paths and should adhere strictly to the requirements for continuous two-way radio communication and reporting of position and flight level.
3.2   Landing
3.2.1  Pilots shall use the standard right-hand traffic pattern when arriving at the airport.
3.2.2  The traffic pattern altitude should be maintained until the aircraft is at least abeam the approach end of the landing runway on the downwind leg. The base leg turn should commence when the aircraft is at a point approximately 45 degrees relative bearing from the approach end of the runway.
3.2.3  Helicopters operating in the traffic pattern when landing on the runway may fly a pattern similar to the fixed-wing aircraft traffic pattern but at a lower altitude (500 feet AGL) and closer to the runway.
3.2.4  Landing should be accomplished on the operating Runway 19 most nearly aligned into the wind.
3.2.5  Airplanes should not be operated in the traffic pattern at an indicated airspeed of more than 200 knots.
3.3   Take-off
3.3.1  Airplanes on take-off should continue straight ahead until beyond the departure end of the Runway 01.
3.4   Radio communications failure procedures
3.4.1  In the event of complete radio communications failure in a VFR flight, the pilot is to adopt the procedures detailed at ICAO Annex 2, 3.6.5.

LAKU AD 2.23   Additional Information

1.   Bird control and animal hazard
1.1  The warning regarding the presence of bird and animal hazards can be passed to aircraft via Kukes AFIS unit.
1.2  Kukes Airport Operations will carry out bird patrols on a continuous basis throughout the day with specific inspection on the runways and strips.
1.3  In the event of a prolonged problem with birds on or in the vicinity of the airport, details will be promulgated by NOTAM. This will only cover periods of short or medium duration and will be cancelled when the hazard ceases to exist.

LAKU AD 2.25   Visual Segment Surface (VSS) Penetration

Not applicable