Integrated Web Briefing
On 23 May 2019, ALBCONTROL has published online the Integrated Web Briefing for the airspace users.

Via the Integrated Web Briefing a user is able to:
- View AIP information via AIP menu options in HTML/PDF file format
- Submit flight plan proposals and FPL-related up-to-date messages via dedicated modules
- Create a FPL via:
- Flight Log, a tool which generates a complete flight
- FPL for an executed flight stored in an archive, or
- a saved FPL template
- Review a colour-coded status of submitted FPLs in FPL List
- Receive FPL status information via:
- Notification in the application
- Other media ( under development, e.g. WhatsApp, etc.)
- Use stored FPL templates with pre-filled fields
- Validate IFR FPL proposals for flights within IFPS zone with IFPS, and VFR FPL proposal with local service (ARO/CARO)
- View NOTAM information:
- in tooltips when hovering a mouse cursor over a specified map location
- in NOTAM Viewer displaying a list of NOTAM messages according to specified filters
- as PIB Report (Aerodrome, Area, Route, Narrow Route PIB) in PDF file format
Other functionalities:
- Aviation weather overview:
- Colour-coded METAR/TAF/SIGMET depicted on a map with encrypted content
- Route proposals obtained from Network Manager