LATI — TIRANA Aerodrome

LATI AD 2.1  Aerodrome location indicator and name

LATI — TIRANA Aerodrome

LATI AD 2.2  Aerodrome geographical and administrative data

1Aerodrome reference point and its site



Midpoint of RWY 17/35
2Direction and distance of aerodrome reference point from centre of the city7.67 NM North of Tirana
3Aerodrome elevation and reference temperature125 FT/34° C
4Geoid undulation at the aerodrome elevation position119 FT
5Magnetic variation, date of information and annual change5°E (2022)/0.1° increasing
6Name of aerodrome operator, address, telephone and telefax numbers, e-mail address, AFS address and, if available, website address

Tirana International Airport Mother Teresa Airport Administration Building Rinas, Tirana Albania

Phone: +355 42 381800 (call centre office)

+355 42 381600 (administration)

Fax: +355 42 381545




7Types of traffic permitted to use the aerodrome (IFR/VFR)IFR-VFR

LATI AD 2.3  Operational hours

1Aerodrome operator


2Customs and immigration


3Health and sanitation


4AIS Briefing Office


5ATS Reporting Office (ARO)H24
6MET Briefing Office










12RemarksAIS Briefing Service is available at Tirana ARO

LATI AD 2.4  Handling services and facilities

1Cargo-handling facilities

Cargo lodaers 7 tons (maximum height 3.5 M)

Custom clearance operations:

Monday to Friday 0900-1700 LT

2Fuel and oil types


AVGAS - Octane 100 aviation gasoline

A1 - Jet A1 aviation fuel

By arrangement with fuel company


3Fuelling facilities and capacity

1 truck 30 000 litres 1 truck 20 000 litres

4De-icing facilities

Aircraft de-icing fluid, type 1

5Hangar space for visiting aircraftNIL
6Repair facilities for visiting aircraftNIL

LATI AD 2.5  Passenger facilities


In the vicinity of AD and in the city


In the vicinity of AD and in the city


Buses, taxis from the AD

4Medical facilities

First aid at AD. Hospitals in the city

5Bank and Post Office

Bank at AD. Post Office in the city

6Tourist Office

Office in the city



LATI AD 2.6  Rescue and firefighting services

1Aerodrome category for firefighting

Belongs to CAT 7

2Rescue equipment

2 trucks 6500 litres 1 truck 8500 litres; 1 truck with water tank 11500 litres 1 foam tank 1660 litres; and 1 foam training tank 200 litres.

3Capability for removal of disabled aircraft

Push-back tractors and tow bars for MTOW 120 tons



LATI AD 2.7  Seasonal availability - clearing

1Seasonal availabilityAerodrome is serviceable during all seasons of the year.
2Type(s) of clearing equipment
  • 2 Snow Removal Equipment;
  • 1 Excavator with snow plough 2.7 meter long;
  • 1 Runway De-icing Sprayer Equipment.
3Clearance priorities
  • Runway in use, associated exits and entry points for the runway in use;
  • Designated taxiway(s);
  • Main aprons;
  • ILS and PAPI areas if needed; and
  • All other aircraft operating areas not yet cleared.
4Use of material for movement area surface treatmentNAAC
5Specially prepared winter runwaysNot applicable

See AD 1.2.2 for the runway surface condition assessment and reporting.

LATI AD 2.8  Aprons, taxiways and check locations/positions data

1Designation, surface and strength of aprons

Designation:MAIN APRON

Surface: CONC

Strength: PCN 120/R/B/W/T

2Designation, width, surface and strength of taxiways

Designation: B

Width: 23 M

Surface: ASPH

Strength: PCN 76/F/A/W/T


Width: 23 M

Surface: ASPH

Strength: PCN 48/F/D/W/U

Designation: D

Width: 23 M

Surface: CONC

Strength: PCN 92/R/B/W/T

Designation: E

Width: 23 M

Surface: CONC

Strength: PCN 120/R/C/W/T

Designation: W

Width: 23 M

Surface: ASPH

Strength: PCN 76/F/A/W/T

3Location and elevation of altimeter checkpointsNIL
4Location of VOR checkpointsNIL
5Position of INS checkpointsNIL
6RemarksTaxiways C, D and E without shoulders and mandatory instruction signs only on the left side.

LATI AD 2.9  Surface movement guidance and control system and markings

1Use of aircraft stand identification signs, taxiway guide lines and visual docking/parking guidance system at aircraft standsApproach to the apron is from the taxiways, following the continuous yellow line markings.
Usually aircraft are guided by a “FOLLOW ME” car. The guidance principles are according to the marshaller’s hand signals.
2Runway and taxiway markings and lights


Markings: Designation numbers and touchdown zone

LGT: Threshold, runway end and runway edges.

TWY Markings: Taxi-holding positions and TWY centreline

LGT: Taxiway edges

3Stop bars and runway guard lights (if any)Red stop bars are located at holding points B, C, D and E and are in operation H24. No aircraft/vehicle is to cross a red stop bar unless given a specific instruction to do so under aerodrome Tower Controller. During contingency procedures, escort from an airside operations vehicle may be required to guide an aircraft through the lit stop bar, if requested by pilots.
4Other runway protection measuresNIL

LATI AD 2.10  Aerodrome Obstacles

LATI AD 2.10.1   Obstacles in Area 2

The list of obstacles in Area 2 is available as a digital data set. See GEN 3.1.6.

LATI AD 2.10.2   Obstacles in Area 3

The list of obstacles in Area 3 is available as a digital data set. See GEN 3.1.6.

LATI AD 2.11   Meteorological information provided

1Name of the associated meteorological office

Tirana MET Office

2Hours of service and, where applicable, the designation of the responsible meteorological office outside these hours


3Office responsible for preparation of TAFs and periods of validity and interval of issuance of the forecastsTirana MET Office
24 HR
(issued every 6 hours)
4Availability of the trend forecasts for the aerodrome, and interval of issuanceTREND
1/2 HR
5Information on how briefing and/or consultation is providedPre-flight meteorological briefing consultation provided by qualified meteorological forecasters
6Types of flight documentation supplied and language(s) used in flight documentationAerodrome METAR and TAF, Charts
7Charts and other information displayed or available for briefing or consultationEUR:
Flight Documentation:
  • Model A/OPMET information
  • Model IS/Upper wind and temperature chart for standard isobaric surface
  • Model SWM/Significant weather chart, Medium Level
  • Model SWL/Significant Weather chart, Low Level
  • Model VAG/Volcanic Ash Advisory information in graphical representation
  • Model SN/sheet of notations used in flight documentation
Upper Wind/Humidity/Air Temp
Geopotential Altitude of FLs
FL and Temp of tropopause
Direction speed on FL of maximum wind
SIGWS phenomena
8Supplementary equipment available for providing information on meteorological conditions, e.g. weather radar andreceiver for satellite imagesSelf-briefing terminal
9The air traffic services unit(s) provided with meteorological informationTWR, APP, ACC and ARO
10Additional information (e.g. concerning any limitation of service, etc.)LAF, Aerodrome Warning (AW), Seven Days Forecast

LATI AD 2.12  Runway physical characteristics

DesignationTrue bearingRWY dimensionsRWY/SWY strength (PCN) and surfaceTHR coordinates RWY end coordinatesTHR geoid undulationTHR elevation TDZ highest elevation
17174.282746 X 45 M






119.4 FT

THR 108.9 FT
TDZ 115.5 FT
35354.292746 X 45 M






119.3 FT

THR 125.2 FT
TDZ 125.2 FT
RWY/SWY slopeSWY dimensionsCLR dimensionsStripdimensionsRESA dimensions

+ 0.19%

NIL237 X 150 M2866 X 300 M90 X 150 M

- 0.19%

NIL130 X 150 M2866 X 300 M90 X 240 M
Location of arresting systemOFZRemarks

LATI AD 2.13  Declared distances

Runway designatorTORATODAASDALDARemarks

2746 M

2983 M

2746 M

2746 M


2259 M

2496 M

2259 M


Take-off from intersection at Taxiway Echo.


1784 M

2021 M

1784 M


Take-off from intersection at Taxiway Delta.


2746 M

2876 M

2746 M

2746 M


2209 M

2339 M

2209 M


Take-off from intersection at Taxiway Charlie.

LATI AD 2.14  Approach and runway lighting

Runway designatorApproach lighting system type, length and intensityTHR lights colour and wing barsVASIS type
TDZ lights length

Type: Approach lighting system - Cat I

Length: 900 M

Intensity: LIH

Adjustable in 5 stages



(15.7 M)

Type: Simple approach lighting system

Length: 420 M

Intensity: LIH

Adjustable in 5 stages



(16.27 M)
RWY centre line lights length, spacing, colour and intensityRWY edge lightslength, spacing,colour and intensityRWY end lights colour and wing barsStopway lightslength and colourRemarks

Length: 2 746 M Spacing: 60 M

Colour: WHI

Intensity: LIH



Length: 2 746 M Spacing: 60 M

Colour: WHI

Intensity: LIH



LATI AD 2.15  Other lighting, secondary power supply

1Location, characteristics and hours of operation of aerodrome beacon/identification beacon

ABN: At Tower building, 25 flashes per minute, operating during the hours of darkness


2Location and lighting of anemometer/landing direction indicator

412527N 0194304E, lighted
412417N 0194313E, lighted

3Taxiway edge and taxiway centre line lights

EDGE: All Taxiways

Centre line: NIL

4Secondary power supply including switch-over timeUPS Standby diesel. Maximum 1 sec change-over.
Secondary power supply to all lighting at AD.
5RemarksWind direction indicators lighted. Lights of taxiway W and B edge and stop bars are led.

LATI AD 2.16  Helicopter landing areas


LATI AD 2.17  Air Traffic Services airspace

Designation and lateral limitsVertical LimitsClass of AirspaceATS unit call sign/ LanguageTransition AltitudeHours of applicabilityRemarks


411000N 0195000E - 411000N 0193100E - 414000N 0193100E - 414000N 0195000E - 411000N 0195000E

Upper limit: 2500 FT AMSL
Lower limit: GND

Tirana Tower

10000 FTH24NIL

LATI AD 2.18  ATS communication facilities

Service DesignationCall signChannel(s)Hours of operationRemarks
APPTirana Approach133.150 MHZ
136.350 MHZ

121.500 MHZ
Emergency Channel


Tirana Ground

136.250 MHz
Ground Movement Control


Tirana Tower

122.500 MHZ

123.500 MHZ

121.500 MHZ

Emergency Channel



Tirana Information

132.275 MHZ


Broadcast in English language only.

LATI AD 2.19  Radio navigation and landing aids

Type of aids MAG Variation VOR/ILS DeclinationIDFrequency/ChannelHours of operationGeographical coordinates of transmitting antennaElevation of DME transmitting antennaRemarks
5°E (2022)
TRN117.700 MHZ
CH 124X
412458.0N 0194305.5E

100 FTRWY-17/35.

On AD.

MRA at 40 NM:

Sector 105°/144° 14000 FT, Sector 145°/010° 11000 FT.

Sector 011°/104° not usable.
LOC 17
5°E (2022)
ITR109.100 MHZH24412358.5N 0194321.3ERWY 17. On AD. Due to terrain, LOC usable coverage sector is -35°/+22°.
GP 17
331.400 MHZ
H24412527.2N 0194314.7E
RDH 17.4 M
100 FT- ILS/DME co-located with GP - ITR DME zero ranged to THR RWY17
GPSNIL1575.42 MHzH24Tirana FIRNILOperated by US Department of Defense

LATI AD 2.20  Local Aerodrome regulations

1.   Local regulations
1.1  Local regulations applicable to the traffic at Tirana International Airport are collected in a manual which is available at the Airport Operations Office. This manual includes, among other subjects, the following:
  1. the meaning of markings and signs;
  2. information about aircraft parking positions including visual docking guidance systems;
  3. information about taxiing from aircraft parking positions including taxi clearance;
  4. limitations in the operation of large aircraft;
  5. limitations in the operation when RVR is less than 550 m;
  6. helicopter operations;
  7. marshaller assistance;
  8. use of engine power exceeding idle power;
  9. engine start-up and use of APU;
  10. fuel spillage; and
  11. precautions during extreme weather conditions.
1.2  Marshaller assistance can be requested and further information about the regulations can be obtained from the Tirana Ground Movement Control (GMC) or Tirana TWR, depending on the hours of operation of Tirana GMC.
1.3  Air Operators intending to operate with an aircraft higher than Code C should prioryrequest prior approval from the Airport Authority, whowhich has established a special procedure on this regardto accommodate such operations.
1.4  When a local regulation is of importance for the safe operation of aircraft on the apron, the information will be given to each aircraft by the Tirana GMC or Tirana TWR.
2.   Ground movement
2.1   Parking procedures
2.1.1  Arriving aircraft will be instructed to the main apron by the Tirana GMC or Tirana TWR. “FOLLOW ME” vehicle will guide the aircraft to the parking stand.
2.1.2  Aircraft, landing on RWY 17, are expected to vacate the RWY via TWY C or TWY B.
2.1.3  Aircraft, landing on RWY 35, are normally advised, in conjunction with the landing clearance, the taxiway they shall vacate the RWY.
2.1.4  General aviation aircraft will be guided by a Marshaller to the north apron for small aircraft. Assistance from the “FOLLOW ME” vehicle can be requested via the Tirana GMC or Tirana TWR.
2.1.5  Since there is no special parking area for helicopters on the aerodrome, helicopters will be instructed by Tirana GMC or Tirana TWR to the parking area. Marshaller will guide the helicopter to the parking stand.
2.2   Start-up procedures
2.2.1  Pilots shall check ATIS in order to see if Tirana GMC is active. If yes, pilots shall contact Tirana GMC for their start-up clearance. Otherwise, pilots shall contact Tirana TWR in accordance with their slot (if any) and when ready to push and/or taxi immediately.
2.2.2  Aircraft that are fully ready shall contact Tirana GMC. The Ground Controller or Tower Controller, depending on the hours of operation of Tirana GMC, will determine the order that start approvals are issued and will issue expected start times accordingly.
2.2.3  Tirana GMC or Tirana TWR shall issue start up clearance to all IFR/VFR flights stating the call sign of aircraft, confirmation of ATIS information with QNH (subject of read back), runway in use and time check.
2.2.4  A start-up clearance shall only be withheld under circumstances or conditions specified by the competent authority. If a start-up clearance is withheld, the flight crew shall be advised of the reason.
2.2.5  When a start-up clearance is delayed for traffic reasons the pilot shall be so informed and either a planned or actual time to start issued. Clearance to start at pilot‘s discretion to meet a stated CTOT may be issued as appropriate.
2.2.6  When the aircraft is fully ready for departure, the Pilot in Command shall contact Tirana GMC or Tirana TWR for start-up clearance, push-back and taxi, only after receiving approval from Marshaller that walk around is completed, doors are closed and aircraft is ready for start-up. Marshaller shall monitor and ensure the safe path of aircraft until it passes the red line.
2.3   Push-back procedures
2.3.1  Aircraft which are parked either nose in to the terminal building will need to be pushed back off the stand towards the taxiway centerline taking into account the standard taxiway routing.
2.3.2  Subject to the requirements in 2.2.56, the Pilot in Command shall contact Tirana GMC or Tirana TWR for start-up clearance, stating the parking position and after that for push-back permission.
2.3.3  When the anti-collision beacons of the aircraft have been switched on, no vehicular movement is permitted behind the aircraft.
2.3.4  Tirana GMC or Tirana TWR may deviate from the standard push-back procedure as stated below for reasons such as traffic or work in progress. The deviation will be given in the push-back permission and the Pilot in Command has to make sure that the Ground Engineer/Marshaller fully understands the deviation.
2.3.5  The Pilot in Command shall use minimum break away power and minimum taxi power when operating on the aprons and taxi lanes.
2.3.6  The Marshaller shall notify the parking position to the Ground Movement Controller or Tower Controller and all push-back maneuvers shall be directed by the Marshaller. In such a case Ground Movement Controller or Tower Controller assumes responsibility when push-back maneuver is accomplished.
2.4   Taxiing
2.4.1  During taxiing, the pilot shall comply with traffic regulation on apron taking into account instructions and information provided by the Tirana GMC in order to avoid collision with other aircraft, vehicles, persons or objects. Neither deviations nor shortcuts are allowed except under the guidance of Marshaller or “FOLLOW ME” vehicle or after special instructions given by the Tirana GMC or Tirana TWR.
2.4.2  In case of guidance by "FOLLOW ME" vehicle is requested by flight crew, the taxi clearance to the appropriate TWY will be issued by the Tirana GMC or Tirana TWR where the guidance will be taken over by the “FOLLOW ME” vehicle.
2.4.3  The main apron is used for operation of aircraft category C with maximum wingspan 36 m. Aircraft category D shall only use parking stands T1 and T2 which are accessed via TWY D only.
2.4.4  The north apron is used for operation of aircraft category A and B with maximum wingspan 24 m.
2.4.5  When it is requested or necessary for a helicopter to proceed at a slow speed above the surface, normally below 20 kt and in ground effect, air-taxiing may be authorized by Tirana TWR in coordination with ground personnel.
2.5   Taxiing on a runway-in-use
2.5.1  In the interests of safety, use of the active runway for taxiing purposes is to be kept to a minimum.
2.5.2  For the purpose of expediting air traffic, aircraft may be permitted to taxi on the runway-in use, provided no delay or risk to other aircraft will result.
2.5.3  If the control tower is unable to determine visually, that a vacating aircraft has cleared the runway, the aircraft shall be requested to report when it has vacated the runway. The report shall be made when the entire aircraft is beyond the relevant runway.
2.6   Engine ground running
2.6.1  Aircraft engine ground running shall be done on the parking position(s) on apron or on the movement area after prior permission granted by the Operations Duty Manager (ODM) on apron and ATC on the movement area. Exceptions are parking positions from 2 to 6, where engine tests on idle/full power are not allowed.
2.6.2  The following regulations must be adhered to both prior to and during the course of an aircraft engine test run:
  • The Airline/Aircraft Maintenance Companies must contact the Operations Duty Manager to obtain permission for an engine test to be carried out.
  • The aircraft must be chocked during the test run.
  • Engine runs above ground idle power will not be permitted on the apron.
  • Engine runs above ground idle power shall be done at the area decided by ODM in coordination with ATC.
  • All personnel and equipment shall be clear of the inlet suction areas and exhaust wake danger areas, as specified in the aircraft manual, during the engine test run.
  • After completion of the engine test run, the Airline must complete the Aircraft Engine Test Run Form, meanwhile the Aircraft Maintenance Company should submit to ODM the Aircraft Logbook Form for record purposes.
  • Aircraft must remain in two-way contact with ATC throughout the duration of the engine ground run to ensure the prompt initiation of any emergency procedures.
2.6.3  The Operations Duty Manager shall coordinate with ATC for permission in case of request from Airline/Aircraft Maintenance Companies to perform engine ground run on the movement area and to provide for the follow me vehicle when needed.
3.   CAT II/III Operations

Not applicable.

4.   School and training flights - technical test flights
4.1  Training and technical flights must only be made after permission has been obtained from the CAA of Albania (see GEN 1.2).
4.2  Application for a training flight shall be submitted at least 10 days in advance of the proposed operation.
4.3  Application for a technical test flight shall be submitted at least 2 hours before such a flight is operated.
5.   Runway Occupancy Time
5.1  Tirana TWR operates on a basis of that each aircraft, if lined up on the RWY, is ready for immediate departure. Pilots should ensure, in accordance with safety and standard operating procedures that they are able to taxi into the holding position and after approval for line up on the RWY as soon as preceding aircraft has commenced its take-off or has landed.
5.2  If possible, cabin checks and cabin readiness should be achieved before line-up; any checks requiring completion on the runway should be kept to minimum. If flight crew is not capable following these requirements, Tirana TWR must be notified before lining up on the RWY.
6.   Reduced distances and procedures for intersection take-off
6.1   Reduced distances and intersection take-off positions
6.1.1  Reduced declared distances applicable for intersection take-off are described in LATI AD 2.13.
6.1.2  Intersection take-off positions shall be TWY E and D for RWY 17 and TWY C for RWY 35.
6.2   Procedures for intersection take-off
6.2.1  Subject to the conditions in 6.2.2, an aircraft may be cleared to depart from a published intersection take-off position upon request of the pilot or if initiated by aerodrome controller and accepted by the pilot.
6.2.2  Intersection take-off clearance shall be issued only for aircraft category A and B.
6.2.3  Information on the TORA from the intersection shall be issued when requested by an aircraft or whenever deemed necessary by the aerodrome controller.
6.2.4  The following radiotelephony (RTF) phraseology shall be used for intersection take-off:
Request for departure from an intersection take-off position*REQUEST DEPARTURE FROM INTERSECTION E, D or C RUNWAY 17 or 35.* Denotes pilot transmission.
Approval of requested departure from an intersection take-off positionTAKE-OFF FROM INTERSECTION E, D or C RUNWAY 17 or 35 APPROVED.
Denial of requested departure from an intersection take-off positionNEGATIVE TAKE-OFF FROM INTERSECTION E, D or C RUNWAY 17 or 35.YOU HAVE TO USE FULL LENGTH OF RUNWAY.
ATC – initiated intersection take-off ADVISE, ARE YOU ABLE TO DEPART FROM INTERSECTION E, D or C RUNWAY 17 or 35?
Advising take-off run available (TORA) from an intersection take-off positionTAKE-OFF RUN FROM INTERSECTION E, D or C RUNWAY 17 or 35 is (distances in metres).
7.   Removal of disabled aircraft from runway
7.1  When an aircraft is wrecked on a runway, it is the duty of the owner or user of such aircraft to have it removed as soon as possible.
7.2  If a wrecked aircraft is not removed from the runway as quickly as possible by the owner or user, the aircraft will be removed by the aerodrome authority at the owner’s or user’s expense.
7.3  The Aerodrome Coordinator for the removal of disabled aircraft at Tirana International Airport (TIA) is the Operations Duty Manager, Tel: +355 4 238 1753; Mob: +355 69 20 22 005.
7.4  Procedures relating to disabled aircraft removal are contained in TIA Disabled Aircraft Recovery Manual.

LATI AD 2.21  Noise abatement procedures

In course of preparation.

LATI AD 2.22  Flight procedures

1.   General
1.1   Types of ATS surveillance service
1.1.1  Tirana APP shall normally provide air traffic control services with the use of ATS surveillance system to all aircraft operating in the Tirana TMA and portions of ATS routes feeding Tirana TMA.
1.1.2  Tirana APP shall provide flight information and alerting service with the use of ATS surveillance system to all aircraft operating in the Tirana TMA and portions of ATS routes feeding Tirana TMA and, as far as practicable, outside controlled airspace within the Tirana FIR below FL 115, if requested (see GEN 3.3).
2.   Procedures for IFR flights within Tirana TMA/CTR
2.1   Procedures for inbound aircraft
2.1.1  Aircraft inbound to Tirana Airport via the airways system will be routed via the RNAV 1 Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STARs) detailed at LATI AD 2.24-19 to LATI AD 2.24-21.
2.1.2  RNAV 1 STARs are available to aircraft which are equipped and operated in accordance with the requirements of EASA CS-ACNS and approved by their State of Registry for RNAV 1 operations.
2.1.3  Aircraft will follow the appropriate RNAV 1 STAR to the Initial Approach Fix (IAF) for either ILS/RNP/VOR RWY 17 or RNP/VOR RWY 35 approach procedures.
2.1.4  RNP approach procedures with LNAV and LNAV/VNAV minima are in use for both runways.
2.1.5  Pilots unable to comply with RNAV 1 must notify ATC as soon as possible.
2.1.6  Standard arrival routes for aircraft inbound to Tirana Airport from the airways system for non RNAV 1 aircraft will be via the existing airways structure.
Inbound fromViaRoute
2.1.7  Non RNAV 1 aircraft will be cleared direct from the VOR TRN holding pattern to carry out an approach procedure. When cleared, descend in the holding pattern to 7000 FT, then carry out the required procedure in accordance with the instrument approach charts.
2.2   Holding
2.2.1  RNAV Holding Procedures are established at INDAL and TINKI as detailed on the appropriate RNAV STAR charts.
2.2.2  Holding patterns for use following a missed approach are established at INDAL and TALLU as detailed on the appropriate instrument approach charts.
2.2.3  From the holding patterns, aircraft will normally be directed by the Radar Controller inbound respective IAF to carry out an instrument approach procedure. When traffic conditions permit, suitably equipped and approved aircraft will be permitted to carry out an RNP Approach Procedure appropriate to the landing direction.
2.3   Approach procedures with radarATS surveillance system control
2.3.1  When inbound traffic is being sequenced by radarATS surveillance system, the approach procedure will be flown under directions from the radarapproach controller.
2.3.2  Aircraft will be given a track to take up according to the runway-in-use and will be allocated a level. Changes of heading or level will be made only on instructions from the radarapproach controller except in the case of radio communication failure.
2.3.3  In the event of radarATS surveillance system failure, procedures as defined for radarATS surveillance approach will apply.
2.3.4  The ATC shall advise an aircraft being radar vectored for an instrument approach of its position at least once prior to the commencement of final approach.
2.3.5  When giving distance information, the radar approach controller shall specify the point or navigation aid to which the information refers.
2.3.6  Aircraft vectored for final approach should be given a heading or a series of headings calculated to close with the final approach track. The final vector shall enable the aircraft to be established on the final approach track prior to intercepting the specified or nominal glide path of the approach procedure from below, and should provide an intercept angle with the final approach track of 45 degrees or less.
2.3.7  Due to terrainDepending on the traffic situation, the ATC may will vector the aircraft to be established on the final approach track inbound the respective IF for instrument approaches.
2.3.8  Whenever an aircraft is assigned a radar vector which will take it through the final approach track, it should be advised accordingly, stating the reason for the vector.
2.3.9  The pilot should be advised of the number in the sequence for landing at least once prior to commencement of the final approach.
2.3.10  On pilot’s request or initiated by ATC, Approach Controller may vector an aircraft to 10 NM (minimum 3000 FT AMSL) on final approach course for RWY 35 to follow RNP/VOR RWY 35 instrument approach procedures.
2.3.10  In the event of a complete radio communication failure in an aircraft, the pilot is to adopt procedures detailed at LATI AD 2.24-23 for aircraft being vectored.
2.3.11  In the event of radar failure, new instructions will be issued to each aircraft under radar control and the procedures detailed in ENR 1.6 will be brought into use.
2.3.12  If radio communications fails at the ATC Unit when under radar control, pilots are to contact Tirana Tower on 122.500 MHz for new instructions.
2.4   Precision approaches
2.4.1  A precision approach ILS CAT I Procedure is in use for Runway 17 only. ILS/DME (ITR) is collocated with GP. ITR DME is zero ranged to threshold RWY 17.
2.4.2  Aircraft shall follow the appropriate RNAV 1 STAR or be vectored either onto the ILS localiser course or onto an appropriate closing heading (roughly 30 degrees from the final approach track) to enable the pilot to complete the turn onto the final approach track. Approach controller shall instruct the pilot to report established on the ILS localiser and, if necessary, shall continue to give heading instructions until this report is received. When established on the ILS localiser the pilot shall be either cleared to descend on the glide path or given appropriate alternative level instructions.
2.4.3  When clearance for the approach is issued, aircraft shall maintain the last assigned level until intercepting the specified or nominal glide path of the approach procedure. If ATC requires an aircraft to intercept the glide path at a level other than a level flight segment depicted on the instrument approach chart, ATC shall instruct the pilot to maintain the particular level until established on the glide path.
2.5   Visual approaches for arriving IFR flights
2.5.1  Controllers shall exercise caution in initiating a visual approach when there is a reason to believe that the flight crew concerned is not familiar with the aerodrome and its surrounding terrain. Controllers should also take into consideration the prevailing traffic and meteorological conditions when initiating visual approaches.
2.5.2  Clearance for visual approach shall be issued only after the pilot has reported the aerodrome or the preceding aircraft in sight, at which time vectoring would normally be terminated.
2.5.3  An aircraft shall not be cleared to execute a visual approach procedure at night.
2.5.4  Visual approach procedures are detailed at ENR 1.5.2.
2.6   Missed approaches
2.6.1  Missed approach procedures are detailed at LATI AD 2.24-25 to 2.24-33.
2.6.2  ATC shall always be aware of the possibility of a missed approach and, unless in VMC and conducting a visual circuit, the need for aircraft carrying out a missed approach to maintain specified climb gradients due to terrain. Succeeding arrivals and/or other flights shall not be cleared to the same level, or cleared to operate within the missed approach area if there is any possibility of the aircraft flight paths conflicting.
2.6.3  When issuing instructions for a missed approach to a flight conducting an instrument approach procedure, the ATC should adhere to the published missed approach procedure. The ATC should issue modifications to the published missed approach procedure only in presence of safety reasons.
2.7   Loss of communication procedures
2.7.1  In the event of a complete radio communications failure in an aircraft, the pilot is to adopt the appropriate procedures detailed at GEN 3.3.
2.8   Procedures for outbound aircraft
2.8.1  RNAV 1 SIDs for aircraft joining the airways system are detailed at LATI AD 2.24-15 to 2.24-17.
2.8.2  RNAV 1 SIDs are available to aircraft which are equipped and operated in accordance with the requirements of EASA CS-ACNS and approved by their State of Registry for RNAV 1 operations.
2.8.3  ATC will normally deliver clearance for RNAV 1 SIDs. Aircraft not capable of flying the RNAV 1 SIDs or are non-GNSS equipped will be issued Omni-Directional Departures together with appropriate ATC instructions to access the airways system.
2.8.4  The Omni-Directional Departures (ODDs) are defined in the table below:
17Proceed RWY heading climbing to 6500 FT.
Passing 800 FT, turn at own discretion, remaining in the sector between 142° (M) and 009° (M).
Reaching 6500 FT expect radar vectoring from Tirana ACC according to the planning.
Minimum PDG 7% (425 FT/NM) until 6500 FT.
No turns before DER.
See Aerodrome Obstacle Chart and LATI AD 2.10 Aerodrome Obstacles.
35Proceed RWY heading climbing to 6500 FT.
Passing 800 FT, turn at own discretion, remaining in the sector between 147° (M) and 008° (M).
Reaching 4000 FT expect radar vectoring from Tirana ACC according to the planning.
Minimum PDG 7% (425 FT/NM) until 6500 FT.
No turns before DER.
See Aerodrome Obstacle Chart and LATI AD 2.10 Aerodrome Obstacles.
2.8.5  Departing flights should normally be cleared via the appropriate RNAV 1 SID until such time as the aircraft level and rate of climb enable either tactical vectoring to take place if required, or a direct route offered.
2.8.6  Departing aircraft shall be identified and their Mode C verified in accordance with the procedures specified in ENR 1.6.1.
2.9   Visual departures
2.9.1  A visual departure is a departure by an IFR flight when either part or all of an instrument departure procedure is not completed and the departure is executed in visual reference to terrain.
2.9.2  An IFR flight may be cleared to execute a visual departure upon request of the pilot or if initiated by the approach/aerodrome controller on the ground and accepted by the pilot.
2.9.3  To execute a visual departure, the aircraft take-off performance characteristics shall allow them to make an early turn after take-off. When implemented, visual departure shall be applied under the following conditions:
  1. the meteorological conditions in the direction of take-off and the following climb-out shall not impair the procedure up to minimum sector altitude (MSA);
  2. the procedure shall be applied during the daytime;
  3. the pilot shall be responsible for maintaining obstacle clearance until the specified altitude (MSA). Further clearance (route, heading, point) shall be specified by APP controller; and
  4. separation shall be provided between an aircraft cleared to execute a visual departure and other departing and arriving aircraft.
2.9.4  Prior to take-off, the pilot shall agree to execute a visual departure by providing a read-back of the ATC clearance.
2.9.5  Any additional local restrictions shall be agreed on in consultation between the competent authority and operators.

Note: The conditions specified in these procedures are applied even when departing aircraft is cleared via specific radial/tracks after departures.

2.10   Uncertainty of position on the manoeuvring area
2.10.1  Except as provided for in 2.10.2, a pilot in doubt as to the position of the aircraft with respect to the manoeuvring area shall immediately:
  1. stop the aircraft; and
  2. simultaneously notify the appropriate ATS unit of the circumstances (including the last known position).
2.10.2  In those situations where a pilot is in doubt as to the position of the aircraft with respect to the manoeuvring area, but recognizes that the aircraft is on a runway, the pilot shall immediately:
  1. notify the appropriate ATS unit of the circumstances (including the last known position);
  2. if able to locate a nearby suitable taxiway, vacate the runway as expeditiously as possible, unless otherwise instructed by the ATS unit; and then,
  3. stop the aircraft.
2.10.3  A vehicle driver in doubt as to the position of the vehicle with respect to the manoeuvring area shall immediately:
  1. notify the appropriate ATS unit of the circumstances (including the last known position);
  2. simultaneously, unless otherwise instructed by the ATS unit, vacate the landing area, taxiway, or other part of the manoeuvring area, to a safe distance as expeditiously as possible; and then,
  3. stop the vehicle.
2.10.4  In the event the aerodrome controller becomes aware of an aircraft or vehicle that is lost or uncertain of its position on the manoeuvring area, appropriate action shall be taken immediately to safeguard operations and assist the aircraft or vehicle concerned to determine its position.
2.11   Aeronautical ground lights
2.11.1  All aeronautical ground lights shall be operated:
  1. continuously during the hours form sunset to sunrise, unless otherwise provided hereafter or otherwise required for the control of air traffic;
  2. at any other time when their use, based on weather conditions, is considered desirable for the safety of air traffic.
2.12   Operations in reduced visibility conditions
2.12.1  Tirana Airport is not equipped for Cat II/III operations, however to protect Cat I operations a procedure for operations in reduced visibility conditions (ORVC) is in place.
2.12.2  The ORVC procedure will commence when:
  1. reported meteorological visibility is less than 1000 m ; or
  2. RVR at TDZ is less than 650 m; or
  3. reported cloud ceiling is 400 ft or less; or
  4. part of the maneuvering area is not visible from Aerodrome Control Tower.
2.12.3  In such a situation, if one of the above conditions is met, only one aircraft movement at a time is permitted on the manoeuvring area. A follow-me car is available on standby to assist pilots during taxi upon request and pilots are advised that these procedures can cause delays for inbound and outbound traffic.
2.12.4  All operations are suspended when RVR at TDZ for landings and any RVR for departures is reported less than 550 m. In such a situation, pilots will be informed by RTF and/or ATIS.
2.12.5  The ORVC procedure will be terminated when RVR at TDZ is greater than 650 m and a continuous improvement is expected.
3.   Procedures for VFR flights within Tirana TMA/CTR
3.1   Procedures for VFR flights within or into the Tirana TMA
3.1.1  VFR flights shall comply with the provisions of SERA Section 4 when operated within or into the Tirana TMA. Procedures relating to VFR flight plan are detailed at ENR 1.10.
3.1.2  A VFR flight shall establish two-way communication with Tirana APP prior to entering the Tirana TMA, and report, as soon as possible, the time and level of passing each designated compulsory point, together with any other required information.
3.1.3  VFR flights shall be positioned in the approach sequence as instructed by the appropriate ATC unit.
3.1.4  In the event of communications failure in a VFR flight operating in accordance with these procedures, the pilot is to adopt the procedures detailed at GEN 3.3.
3.2   Procedures for VFR flights within or into the Tirana CTR
3.2.1  VFR flights intending to enter Tirana CTR from uncontrolled airspace shall establish, as soon as practicable, two-way RTF communication with Tirana Tower on the appropriate frequency prior to entering Tirana CTR.
3.2.2  An aircraft conducting VFR flight shall enter transit and/or exit Tirana CTR via the entry/exitVFR reporting points described in 3.2.6 and showndepicted on the Visual Approach Chart - ICAO at LATI AD 2.24-33 unless otherwise authorised by ATC.
3.2.3  VFR flights operating within, into or transiting the Tirana CTR are restricted to fly at or below 2000 FT AMSL (aerodrome QNH).
3.2.4  When flying in controlled airspace unless otherwise authorised by the ATC Unit, the pilot of the aircraft must file a flight plan (see ENR 1.2 and ENR 1.10), obtain an ATC clearance, maintain a listening watch on the appropriate frequency and comply with any instructions given by the ATC Unit.
3.2.5  In the event of communications failure in a VFR flight operating in accordance with these procedures, the pilot is to adopt the procedures detailed at GEN 3.3.
3.2.6  CTR entry/exitVFR reporting points are as follows:
ERZED*Kryqëzimi i Lumenjve Stermas
(Rivers Crossing Stermas)
411543N 0195027E
BRARIUra Ferraj(Bridge of Ferraj)412220N 0195118E
LORJAUra e Fanit (Bridge of Fan)414215N 0194626E
MIMCOKepi i Rodonit (Cape of Rodon)413415N 0193100E
ROBZOMali i Robit (Robit Mountain)411354N 0193133E
ZAZMAFshati Roshet (Roshet Village)410944N 0194404E
MATIARezervuari Marikaj(Reservoir of Marikaj)412237N 0193823E
TUFIZRezervuari i Qinamit(Reservoir of Qinam)412433N 0194752E

*ERZED point will be used by State aircraft.

3.2.7  All CTR entry/exitVFR reporting points are compulsory reporting points.
3.2.8  Arrival and departure routes for VFR flights are not established at Tirana Airport.
3.2.9  VFR transit points are as follows:
3.2.9  TransitVFR reporting points should be used by ATC or when so requested by the pilot of VFR aircraft in order to join arriving or departing sequencethe aerodrome traffic circuit, transiting Tirana CTR or crossing the runway.
3.3   Special VFR flights
3.3.1  Special VFR clearances for flights within the Tirana CTR may be requested and will be given whenever traffic conditions permit. These flights are subject to the general conditions laid down for Special VFR flights and will normally be given only to aircraft which carry RTF including the appropriate frequencies.
3.3.2  Special VFR flights may be authorized to enter Tirana CTR for the purpose of landing, take off and depart from the control zone, cross the Tirana CTR, but not to operate locally within the control zone.
3.3.3  When traffic conditions permit, Special VFR flights shall be authorized by ATC Unit, only at pilot’s request, to operate within the control zone for the purpose of entering or leaving Tirana CTR, subject to the approval of the Tirana APP in coordination with Tirana TWR.
3.3.4  Requests for Special VFR clearance to enter or transit Tirana CTR may be made to Tirana APP whilst airborne.
3.3.5  Aircraft departing from aerodromes adjacent to Tirana CTR boundary and wishing to enter or cross the control zone may obtain Special VFR clearance either prior to take-off by telephone or by RTF when airborne. In any case, all such requests must specify the ETA for the selected entry VFR points and must be made 10 minutes beforehand.
3.3.6  Requests for Special VFR clearance to leave Tirana CTR, depart from Tirana Airport or any airfield/heliport within Tirana CTR shall be made to Tirana TWR prior to take-off either by telephone or by RTF.
3.3.7  For departing aircraft asking to operate as special VFR, Tirana TWR shall issue special VFR clearance after coordinating with Tirana APP control unit.
3.3.8  Special VFR clearance for arriving and departing flights is only granted without affecting normal IFR flights. IFR traffic will always have priority over Special VFR traffic. The priority afforded to IFR aircraft over Special VFR aircraft, however, is not intended to be so rigidly applied that inefficient use of airspace results.

LATI AD 2.23  Additional information

1.   Bird control and animal hazard
1.1   Procedures
1.1.1  The warning regarding the presence of bird and animal hazards can be passed to aircraft via Tirana Aerodrome Control Tower.
1.1.2  Tirana Airport Operations will carry out bird patrols on a continuous basis throughout the day with additional specific inspection on the runways and strips as follows:
  1. at the request of the Tower Controller or Aircrew via the Tower Controller;
  2. during period of agricultural activity and/or bird migration in the vicinity of the airport.
1.1.3  In the event of a prolonged problem with birds on or in the vicinity of the airport, details will be promulgated by NOTAM. This will only cover periods of short or medium duration and will be cancelled when the hazard ceases to exist.

LATI AD 2.24  Charts related to the aerodrome


LATI AD 2.25  Visual Segment Surface (VSS) Penetration

VOR RWY 17 and RNP RWY 17 Approach Procedures

IDTypeLatitudeLongitudeElevation (Ft)Penetration (Ft)
LATI_E106Tree41° 25' 47.51''N019° 42' 59.37''E163.725.9
LATI_22_189Tree41° 25' 47.88''N019° 43' 00.89''E163.224.5
LATI_22_185Tree41° 25' 46.62''N019° 42' 59.51''E159.124.3
LATI_22_186Tree41° 25' 47.12'N019° 42' 59.70''E159.923.4
LATI_458Tree41° 25' 55.63''N019° 43' 14.47''E180.019.1
LATI_22_249Tree41° 25' 49.99''N019° 42' 59.88''E164.218.3
LATI_C1006Tree41° 25' 48.93''N019° 43' 00.48''E158.716.5
LATI_C9010Tree41° 25' 49.23''N019° 43' 00.75''E158.815.6
LATI_22_250Tree41° 25' 53.11"N019° 43' 03.10"E164.59.1
LATI_22_251Tree41° 25' 53.25"N019° 43' 03.24"E163.67.8
LATI_22_294Tree41° 25' 52.45"N019° 43' 01.14"E160.36.5
LATI_22_295Tree41° 25' 52.30"N019° 43' 01.07"E159.66.4
LATI_22_366Tree41° 25' 56.05"N019° 43' 09.28"E165.62.1